Extended Results
Your Extended Mindset Quotient® Score
This is NOT a personality test; it is a skills assessment.
How to Read your Extended Test Score
- (H) is your Humanity Score, a measurement of your motivation and ideals in relationships.
- (L) is your Law Score, a measurement of your understanding and application of proven universal laws and principles of success.
Together, your (H), (L) score points to a region of the Mindset Quotient Matrix representing your position on the developmental path. Use the Results Key below to learn about the different regions.
Click here to learn more about the path of human development.
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Skills accumulate!
Before you review your results, be advised that as you work to improve your score, new skills are ADDED, NOT TRADED. You can keep ALL the strengths of your present mindset type as you move into the realm of the next mindset type.
Results Key - Mindset Type Combinations:
Points (H) 0.00-1.99, (L) 0.00-1.99 – Protector, reactor, shrewd, strong-willed
Download the Full Analysis Report here
Overview – This is the most guarded mindset type on the grid because it lives one of the most reactive, survival-based experiences. It has trust issues with people (probably for good reason) and lives in fear, largely unaware of, or resistant to the universal laws that govern us all. A Defender is always ready with a response, because after all, anything could go wrong at any given moment, and it often does. Each decision, each response, is based on the belief that you are on your own, and that success depends solely on your own strength or smarts.
Strengths – Loyal, patient, intuitive, pragmatic, street smart, scrappy, responsible, grounded, considerate.
Driven by – Survival, ease, stability, security, self-reliance, personal needs, responsibility, reputation, protecting what’s yours, focused on self-reliance.
Combination Analysis – Loyal and Intuitive in relationships, you have a sixth-sense about others’ intentions, and you may be sensitive, sometimes to a fault. Your keen observation skills sometimes get in the way of seeing what’s possible, and you may resist change, especially when it is imposed by someone else. The struggle with fear may be running in the background – a fear of loss, fear of falling short, or fear of change. You value stability and predictability in relationships.
When threatened, you are quick to react, either by going quiet to de-escalate a conflict, or by fighting to end the conflict as soon as possible. In either case, you need things to be resolved quickly. There is no in-between for the Defender. It’s your deep need for things to be the way they should be that keeps you from responding only half-way.
The retreater version of the Defender may be accused of being too sensitive, or for playing the role of a martyr. The fighter version of the Defender may be criticized for being brash, blunt, or too demanding. In either case, it is the potential threat to your identity and safety in your relationships that may cause you to retreat, deflect, deny, or blame an accuser. Both responses show a deep need to protect who you are and what’s yours, because you’ve worked too hard to survive this far.
Because you often find yourself living in survival mode, your default objective may be to preserve the status quo, even if it’s undesirable.
You pride yourself in being intelligent and grounded in the way you operate and in the execution of your goals. You feel deeply and wish for a better life, but often circumstances beyond your control keep you from enjoying the results you want. You’ve tried to make changes, but nothing seems to work, at least permanently. It’s hard to believe things will ever change. You often feel unlucky, and struggle to get ahead. You’re weary from repeated disappointments and skeptical of anyone who tells you things can improve. Basically, you’ll believe it when you see it.
Sometimes you feel that people who offer solutions have ulterior motives. While some people may call you a cynic, you call it wisdom. You can relate with the saying, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” You’re determined never to be fooled again.
You’re always open to learning more, if there’s truly something new to learn, and if it makes logical sense. Still, it’s easy to feel upset when things go wrong, and you may fundamentally disagree with anyone who claims that your thoughts play any role in causing your misfortune. You are more likely to trust science and academia than social media, empirical proof more than a (probably fabricated) testimonial, and you trust yourself to get things done more than almost anyone else.
Other Common Attributes of the Defender/Realist:
- Observant and aware of other’s reactions and feelings.
- Excellent/detailed memory for what is important to others.
- Quick to adjust to any surrounding with a sense of the environment’s functions and how to best use them.
- Reliable for follow through and completion of tasks.
- Grounded, practical, and dependable.
- Does not like working with abstract thought or theory.
- Finds it difficult to do things that don’t make sense to you.
- Appreciates tradition, security, and living a peaceful life.
- Naturally focuses on what people need and want.
- Considerate, kind, and thoughtful.
- Inclined to put the needs of others above your own.
- Learns best in environments where people are supportive of one another.
- Takes responsibilities seriously.
- When others are attacked, you feel the need to protect.
- Feels that values and principles are more important than ideals and standards.
- Willing to do almost anything necessary to deliver on a promise.
- Tries to be as generous as possible with loved ones but is sometimes left feeling taken for granted.
- Friendly, affirming atmospheres fill the soul with meaning and happiness.
- You try to always be prepared for the worst.
- You feel that if other people would just do their part, you’d be able to avoid more of life’s hardships.
Possible Blind Spots – This mindset type combination is the most likely to play martyr, and may be brash, blunt, demanding, codependent, and unwilling to bend. You may respond to perceived emotional attacks or threats with rudeness, brute retaliation, or stone-coldness. You may be perceived by others as self-centered or pretentious, a bully, doubter, struggling, having a bad attitude. You may attempt to hide these flaws, but they are more easily detected by others than you think. If nobody is saying anything, they’re likely just tolerating it to keep the peace. An unchecked defender/realist is a cynic, and may show unchecked anger when things go wrong. The more you persist in these thought- and response-habits, the more life will seem to bully you.
One who grows beyond the Defender/Realist stage of development will attest to the following:
“Let a man cease from his [harsh or demeaning] thoughts, and all the world will soften toward him, and be ready to help him; let him put away his weakly and sickly thoughts, and lo! opportunities will spring up on every hand to aid his strong resolves; let him encourage good thoughts, and no hard fate shall bind him down…” – James Allen, As a Man Thinketh
Change your score, Change your life!
Points (H) 0.00-1.99, (L) 2.00-2.99 – Protector, reactor, skeptic, wary
Download the Full Analysis Report here
Overview – This mindset type is more forward-thinking than the Defender/Realist, and much less change-averse. However, the change it embraces is not a change for progress, it is a change for more proactive risk mitigation. More security, more safeguards, even the potential for more self-imprisonment. This tendency comes from seeing potential threats farther out on the horizon than the Defender/Realist, whose focus is more on the here and now. The defensive position of a Defender/Sentry often leads to frustration and disappointment, because while this type will at least consider happier possibilities, it will also be more likely to explore a new idea and then promptly retreat back to what’s familiar, only deepening the rut that can prevent true progress.
Strengths – Loyal, patient, pragmatic, street smart, scrappy, responsible, watchful, prudent, cautious, skeptical, analytical, detail oriented.
Driven by – Need, survival, fairness, avoiding risk, focused on avoiding danger.
Combination Analysis – Loyal and Intuitive in relationships, you have a sixth-sense about others’ intentions, and you may be sensitive, sometimes to a fault. Your keen observation skills sometimes get in the way of seeing what’s possible, and you may resist change, especially when it is imposed by someone else. The struggle with fear may be running in the background – a fear of loss, fear of falling short, or fear of change. You value stability and predictability in relationships.
When threatened, you are quick to react, either by going quiet to de-escalate a conflict, or by fighting to end the conflict as soon as possible. In either case, you need things to be resolved quickly. There is no in-between for the Defender. It’s your deep need for things to be the way they should be that keeps you from responding only half-way.
The retreater version of the Defender may be accused of being too sensitive, or for playing the role of a martyr. The fighter version of the Defender may be criticized for being brash, blunt, or too demanding. In either case, it is the potential threat to your identity and safety in your relationships that may cause you to retreat, deflect, deny, or blame an accuser. Both responses show a deep need to protect who you are and what’s yours, because you’ve worked too hard to survive this far.
Because you often find yourself living in survival mode, your default objective may be to preserve the status quo, even if it’s undesirable.
You are a careful, hard worker who knows you’ll achieve your goals if you give it everything you’ve got, as long as nothing gets in the way. The problem is, things often get in the way. Life sometimes seems unfair, unpredictable, or unfortunate.
You’re resourceful and manage to get through each challenge eventually, but sometimes you do long for a lucky break. Although you live life guarded, your healthy skepticism often keeps you safe. Like a sentinel, you’re always on the lookout for pitfalls and do a good job avoiding them. But sometimes you’re concerned about being stuck where you are.
You’d like things to improve in several areas of your life, but so far, your efforts haven’t caused any real giant leaps forward, and you may be unsure whether your thinking has any real effect on your results. Because things don’t always work out the way you intended, it can be easy to feel as though you don’t have a lot of control over your results, no matter how hard you try.
Sometimes life seems to be in the hands of fate, because no matter what you do, the same kinds of results keep happening. You believe positive thinking may help you live a better life, but haven’t seen a whole lot of evidence that doing so has a real effect on your results. Sometimes your reason for thinking positive is to simply avoid regrets, more than it is to cause a change.
As an intellectual, you strive to look ahead and mitigate risk, and you value fairness. Your talent for recognizing potential problems can be a blessing and a curse. Even when you intentionally choose an outcome different from the default future, it can sometimes be hard to focus more on the happy potential than on the possible failure. After all, you’ve been burned before.
You’re more likely to be motivated by avoiding problems and hardships than by seeking experiences you’ll enjoy. When facing a crisis, you always feel better when you can talk about the problem from every angle, to uncover the reason it happened and to help you avoid similar issues in the future. You’re open to other people’s opinions as long as they’re cautious or prudent like you, but wouldn’t it be nice if there weren’t always so many problems to talk about?
Other Common Attributes of the Defender/Sentry:
- Observant and aware of other’s reactions and feelings.
- Excellent/detailed memory for what is important to others.
- Quick to adjust to any surrounding with a sense of the environment’s functions and how to best use them.
- Reliable for follow through and completion of tasks.
- Grounded, practical, and dependable.
- Does not like working with abstract thought or theory.
- Finds it difficult to do things that don’t make sense to you.
- Appreciates tradition, security, and living a peaceful life.
- Naturally focuses on what people need and want.
- Considerate, kind, and thoughtful.
- Inclined to put the needs of others above your own.
- Learns best in environments where people are supportive of one another.
- Takes responsibilities seriously.
- When others are attacked, you feel the need to protect.
- Feels that values and principles are more important than ideals and standards.
- Willing to do almost anything necessary to deliver on a promise.
- Tries to be as generous as possible with loved ones but is sometimes left feeling taken for granted.
- Friendly, affirming atmospheres fill the soul with meaning and happiness.
- When it comes to your goals or desires, you see yourself as someone who will accomplish them as long as you can find a safe path.
- Accomplishing your vision and goals would be easier if there weren’t so many risks.
- You quickly identify the dangers of new ideas, and readily warn others who can’t see them as easily.
- You are steadfast in holding your position when the potential for negative outcomes arise, and you wish others around you weren’t so eager and careless to proceed despite them.
- You may be easily triggered by stressful situations, and go out of your way to mitigate them.
- You are cautious about changes that require you to step into the unknown.
- You may spend more time organizing the life you’ve already built than planning for the achievement of new goals or desires.
- You might describe yourself as free from past emotional trauma, but others who know you may disagree.
Possible Blind Spots – The Defender/Sentry may become over-analytical to the point of paralysis, brash, demanding, codependent. Cynicism may be holding you back more than you know. While you are good at imagining future possibilities, you may be spending too much time imagining worst-case scenarios that may or may not ever happen. Spend time imagining what you actually want instead of the worst that could happen, and one day you may look back and see how your life began to go in a new direction.
One who grows beyond the Defender/Sentry stage of development will attest to the following:
“A man becomes calm in the measure that he understands himself as a thought-evolved being… and as he develops a right understanding, and sees more and more clearly the internal relations of things by the action of cause and effect, he ceases to fuss and fume and worry and grieve, and remains poised, steadfast, serene. The calm man, having learned how to govern himself …will find his business prosperity increase as he develops a greater self-control and equanimity…” – James Allen, As a Man Thinketh
Change your score, Change your life!
Points (H) 0.00-1.99, (L) 3.00-3.99 – Protector, reactor, bright, inspiring
Download the Full Analysis Report here
Overview – Like the favorite parent in the neighborhood. Protective, and playful.
Strengths – Loyal, patient, pragmatic, responsible, cheerleading, inspired, inspiring, creative, imaginative inventive, insightful, enterprising, innovative, perceptive, clever, talented, gifted, resourceful, discerning, sharp.
Driven by – Need, control, believing in a dream (even if it never comes), and being happy, focused on persistence or hope.
Combination Analysis – The Defender in you has a sixth-sense about others’ intentions, and you may be sensitive, sometimes to a fault. Your keen observation skills sometimes get in the way of seeing what’s possible, and you may resist change, especially when it is imposed by someone else. The struggle with fear may be running in the background – a fear of loss, fear of falling short, or fear of change. You value stability and predictability in relationships.
When threatened, you are quick to react, either by going quiet to de-escalate a conflict, or by fighting to end the conflict as soon as possible. In either case, you need things to be resolved quickly. There is no in-between for the Defender. It’s your deep need for things to be the way they should be that keeps you from responding only half-way.
The retreater version of the Defender may be accused of being too sensitive, or for playing the role of a martyr. The fighter version of the Defender may be criticized for being brash, blunt, or too demanding. In either case, it is the potential threat to your identity and safety in your relationships that may cause you to retreat, deflect, deny, or blame an accuser. Both responses show a deep need to protect who you are and what’s yours, because you’ve worked too hard to survive this far.
Because you often find yourself living in survival mode, your default objective may be to preserve the status quo, even if it’s undesirable.
Despite all this running under the surface, you are a joy to be around! You’ve worked hard to fine-tune your thinking because you know how important it is. You’re a high achiever and a cheerleader. Your idealist personality inspires others. You have big dreams, and are rarely idle. When you do allow yourself a break, it’s easy to feel guilty that you’re not doing more. You’re imaginative, enterprising, intuitive, and resourceful, but sometimes you struggle to utilize that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen, especially the ones that are beyond your natural control.
Sometimes you’re not sure why your optimism hasn’t caused things to improve more quickly. You’re good at practicing all the positive thinking tips, but you often feel stuck, having not yet realized the changes that matter most to you. You would like to be more naturally tenacious and faithful. Deep down you want to believe there is unseen help, but sometimes it’s hard to recognize if any help is really happening.
Even when you deal with stress, you can usually manage to get it under control. When dealing with fear or anxiety, you’re able to shift gears back to optimism with some effort. You believe that anything is possible, and your actions show it.
You set lofty goals, and hold expectations for their accomplishment with a fair amount of mental tenacity, even if that determination is not reflected in your actions.
When things get worse instead of better, you believe that you can turn things around with more learning, or more intense positivity. When things go wrong, you can usually find a silver lining in the cloud, and you trust that this thought-habit will pay off in real results, eventually.
Each interaction with others is a potential opportunity to make progress toward your goals, and you strive to make the most out of every situation. Even though optimism is your chosen habit, waiting for the desired results can sometimes feel exhausting.
Staying positive all the time can be difficult, but it doesn’t keep you from striving to live that way. Sometimes, however, you do wonder how long it will take before you’ll finally experience the big results you’ve been longing for.
Other Common Attributes of the Defender/Optimist:
- Observant and aware of other’s reactions and feelings.
- Excellent/detailed memory for what is important to others.
- Quick to adjust to any surrounding with a sense of the environment’s functions and how to best use them.
- Reliable for follow through and completion of tasks.
- Grounded, practical, and dependable.
- Does not like working with abstract thought or theory.
- Finds it difficult to do things that don’t make sense to you.
- Appreciates tradition, security, and living a peaceful life.
- Naturally focuses on what people need and want.
- Considerate, kind, and thoughtful.
- Inclined to put the needs of others above your own.
- Learns best in environments where people are supportive of one another.
- Takes responsibilities seriously.
- When others are attacked, you feel the need to protect.
- Feels that values and principles are more important than ideals and standards.
- Willing to do almost anything necessary to deliver on a promise.
- Tries to be as generous as possible with loved ones but is sometimes left feeling taken for granted.
- Friendly, affirming atmospheres fill the soul with meaning and happiness.
- When it comes to your goals or desires, you usually see yourself as someone who will accomplish them, eventually.
- The people in your life do not always hear and understand you, but that doesn’t stop you from pursuing your goals.
- New ideas come often and easily to you but sometimes you struggle to follow-through.
- You are quick to adjust your mindset when the potential for negative outcomes arise, and you wish others around you would do the same.
- Your vision for the world and how to make a difference for others is ever evolving.
- You are not triggered easily by stressful situations, but when you are, you recover quickly.
- You wish you had more freedom to make your life the way you want it to be.
- You may be mostly free from past emotional trauma, and you deal pretty well with that which does get in the way.
Possible Blind Spots – You may be overly blunt, or demanding. Your popularity may be based more on how you are perceived by others than in reality and how you really feel about yourself. On a bad day you may be tempted to put someone in their place, but the optimist in you keeps the tendency in check. Your optimism is appreciated, but sometimes it lends to unproductivity. Be watchful that you are not careless in your time management, because without concerted effort, your results will suffer. Both the defender and the optimist believe that if something needs to get done, they will have to do it themselves, so the combination of the two only amplifies this perspective. As such, having this mindset type can prevent you from seeing the additional resources and help that is available now and ready to support you in your growth and success. New ideas may come often and easily but make sure you use your strengths to help you overcome the struggle you may have with following-through.
One who grows beyond the Defender/Optimist stage of development will attest to the following:
There are more resources and support available than what we can see. Sometimes it takes a mentor to help a person discover it, as illustrated in the movie Searching for Bobby Fischer:
“Look deep, Josh. It’s there. It’s twelve moves away, but it’s there. You’ve got him.” – Bruce Pandolfini
Ever wonder what you’re not seeing?
Change your score, change your life!
Points (H) 0.00-1.99, (L) 4.00-4.99 – Protector, reactor, wise, empowered
Download the Full Analysis Report here
Overview – This mindset type is rare. His/her understanding of and relationship with the universal laws of success is off the charts, but his/her skill with people is severely lacking. This is the mindset type that, without correction, is headed for a wealthy but lonely demise. His/her motivations may be selfish or materialistic. He may appear outwardly successful but may have very few close relationships with whom to enjoy it.
Strengths – Loyal, patient, pragmatic, street smart, responsible, experienced, wise, calm, knowledgeable, intelligent, sensible.
Driven by – Personal emotional needs, self-preservation, long term security, a desire to get in on life’s best experiences, focused on principles.
Combination Analysis – The Defender in you has a sixth-sense about others’ intentions, and you may be sensitive, sometimes to a fault. Your keen observation skills sometimes get in the way of seeing what’s possible, and you may resist change, especially when it is imposed by someone else. The struggle with fear may be running in the background – a fear of loss, fear of falling short, or fear of change. You value stability and predictability in relationships.
When threatened, you are quick to react, either by going quiet to de-escalate a conflict, or by fighting to end the conflict as soon as possible. In either case, you need things to be resolved quickly. There is no in-between for the Defender. It’s your deep need for things to be the way they should be that keeps you from responding only half-way.
The retreater version of the Defender may be accused of being too sensitive, or for playing the role of a martyr. The fighter version of the Defender may be criticized for being brash, blunt, or too demanding. In either case, it is the potential threat to your identity and safety in your relationships that may cause you to retreat, deflect, deny, or blame an accuser. Both responses show a deep need to protect who you are and what’s yours, because you’ve worked too hard to survive this far.
Because you often find yourself living in survival mode, your default objective may be to preserve the status quo, even if it’s undesirable.
You have experience with intentional goal achievement, and make empowered decisions. You understand there are fewer risks more dangerous than a careless mindset. As mastering one’s mindset can be a lifelong pursuit, your mindset type is among the most conscious of where you fall short.
Not only have you discovered the power of your thoughts, but you’ve learned to employ them intentionally for achieving sometimes seemingly impossible goals. You learn from your mistakes, and forge ahead courageously. You have experience with that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen—and whether you know it or not, you’ve likely participated in miracles.
Even if you can’t see it, and even if the world doesn’t know your name, you are beginning to live a legendary life. If you are not already wealthy, you are headed in a good direction. Going forward, look for evidence that the wealth you enjoy is directly related to the amount you need to accomplish the next step for your life’s mission.
At the Exemplar/Sage stage of development, you do not measure success in dollars, but in influence and legacy. Your values and principles run like a thread through everything you do. You are a deep thinker, clever, creative, and intelligent. You show great knowledge and sense.
You are beginning to understand the laws of success, learning to rely on them to help you overcome every obstacle. You believe in unseen help and may be aware of experiencing its sometimes inexplicable assistance.
You are generous and pleasant. You hold other people in high regard. You move forward with faith, even if you don’t see how the goal will be achieved. You’re on track to mastering your mindset and will continue to achieve everything you set out to do, as you continue to choose goals that are aligned with your divine mission.
Other Common Attributes of the Defender/Sage:
- Observant and aware of other’s reactions and feelings.
- Excellent/detailed memory for what is important to others.
- Quick to adjust to any surrounding with a sense of the environment’s functions and how to best use them.
- Reliable for follow through and completion of tasks.
- Grounded, practical, and dependable.
- Does not like working with abstract thought or theory.
- Finds it difficult to do things that don’t make sense to you.
- Appreciates tradition, security, and living a peaceful life.
- Naturally focuses on what people need and want.
- Considerate, kind, and thoughtful.
- Inclined to put the needs of others above your own.
- Learns best in environments where people are supportive of one another.
- Takes responsibilities seriously.
- When others are attacked, you feel the need to protect.
- Feels that values and principles are more important than ideals and standards.
- Willing to do almost anything necessary to deliver on a promise.
- Tries to be as generous as possible with loved ones but is sometimes left feeling taken for granted.
- Friendly, affirming atmospheres fill the soul with meaning and happiness.
- Confident about goal achievement, and selective about what to pursue.
- You are quick to adjust your mindset when the potential for negative outcomes arise.
- Goals are not extensively delayed by unresolved issues from your past.
- Your leadership and influence is not dependent on your having a particular title or position.
- Your vision and goals tend to have a divine, inspired, or uplifting purpose.
- You spend less time analyzing your problems and more time focused on affecting the desired outcome.
Possible Blind Spots – Your personality and demeanor is peaceful and self-assured, but you may be more reactive and demanding than you think. You’re smart, but that doesn’t make everyone else stupid. Discover the unique qualities in each of the important people in your life, and value them for the variety and differences they possess. Playing the martyr in conflicts does not serve you, and you’ll find greater fulfilment in your relationships if you will show more vulnerability. This mindset type can be self-centered and pretentious. While your career may flourish, your relationships may be stunted, and you will find greater balance and fulfillment by giving a higher priority to discovering what you don’t know about your fellow human beings. You’re too evolved and too wise in other things to miss this piece. Because you’ve come this far having grown so much, individuals at this stage of development may struggle with being teachable.
One who grows beyond the Defender/Sage stage of development will attest to the following:
“You don’t inspire your teammates by showing them how amazing you are. You inspire them by showing them how amazing they are.” – Robyn Benincasa
Change your score, change your life!
Points (H) 0.00-1.99, (L) 5.00 – Protector, reactor, successful, powerful
Download the Full Analysis Report here
Overview – This mindset type is rare. Your understanding of and relationship with the universal laws of success is off the charts, but your skill with people and fulfillment in relationships is lacking. This is the mindset type that, without correction, is headed for a wealthy but lonely demise. Your motivations may be selfish or materialistic. You may appear outwardly successful but may have very few close relationships with whom to enjoy your success.
Strengths – Street smart, resourceful, confident, clever.
Driven by – Personal emotional needs, self-preservation, long term security, a desire to enjoy life’s best experiences, focused on power.
Combination Analysis – The Defender in you has a sixth-sense about others’ intentions, and you may be sensitive, sometimes to a fault. Your keen observation skills sometimes get in the way of seeing what’s possible, and you may resist change, especially when it is imposed by someone else. The struggle with fear may be running in the background – a fear of loss, fear of falling short, or fear of change. You value stability and predictability in relationships.
When threatened, you are quick to react, either by going quiet to de-escalate a conflict, or by fighting to end the conflict as soon as possible. In either case, you need things to be resolved quickly. There is no in-between for the Defender. It’s your deep need for things to be the way they should be that keeps you from responding only half-way.
The retreater version of the Defender may be accused of being too sensitive, or for playing the role of a martyr. The fighter version of the Defender may be criticized for being brash, blunt, or too demanding. In either case, it is the potential threat to your identity and safety in your relationships that may cause you to retreat, deflect, deny, or blame an accuser. Both responses show a deep need to protect who you are and what’s yours, because you’ve worked too hard to survive this far.
Because you often find yourself living in survival mode, your default objective may be to preserve the status quo, even if it’s undesirable.
You have moved beyond intentional goal achievement to a place of being at one with the Highest purposes, and only employing those skills when your life’s purpose or divine mission assignment calls for it. The skill is not used for self-gratification beyond meeting your own needs, but it is readily utilized for serving others in their needs. You’re still conscious of where you fall short in the consistent application of true principles, but have learned how to rely on a power bigger than yourself to fill in the gaps and make up for your shortcomings.
No goal is too big, no cause too impossible to keep you from doing what you were put here to do. You learn from your mistakes more quickly than in the past, and forge ahead with both patience, temperance, and courage. You know that you’ve participated in miracles.
At this stage of development, you no longer measure success in influence and legacy, but in the real impact and improvement enjoyed by those you serve. You’re now more interested in their influence, and in their legacy. You experience a oneness with God (also known as Spirit, Source, Universe, or Nature) which guides your thoughts and actions to align with His will or the most Elevated Purpose in all things.
As for yourself, you are less focused now on what you can gain on the path; you’ve shifted to a place where you are more interested in what you can release both materially and emotionally, and in the experiences through which you pass for how they change you. Needs are few for a person in this realm, but all needs are naturally met with ease for those who live here.
You are a compassionate and patient wellspring of healing for others who are inspired and changed by your confidence in true principles. You are generous yet wise in your interactions with others, long-suffering in outcomes, and trust that ultimate good can be realized out of any circumstance. You participate in causes but are inclined to avoid recognition. You know your place in the grand scheme of things. You have become so others-focused that even the thrill of making a difference is no longer needed nor expected. The good news is that in living life unfettered in this way: clear in spirit and pure in heart, you will always have access to the rare rewards of true joy and serenity. You dwell in calmness beneath the tempests, and soar above the storms in stillness.
You consistently rely on the laws, unseen help, and divine power to help you overcome every obstacle. You are more consciously aware now when you experience its assistance, and despite the natural ups and downs that continue to give life meaning, your existence in general feels more purposeful, fulfilling, and joyful than ever.
Other Common Attributes of the Defender/5th Realm:
- Observant and aware of other’s reactions and feelings.
- Excellent/detailed memory for what is important to others.
- Quick to adjust to any surrounding with a sense of the environment’s functions and how to best use them.
- Reliable for follow through and completion of tasks.
- Grounded, practical, and dependable.
- Does not like working with abstract thought or theory.
- Finds it difficult to do things that don’t make sense to you.
- Appreciates tradition, security, and living a peaceful life.
- Naturally focuses on what people need and want.
- Considerate, kind, and thoughtful.
- Inclined to put the needs of others above your own.
- Learns best in environments where people are supportive of one another.
- Takes responsibilities seriously.
- When others are attacked, you feel the need to protect.
- Feels that values and principles are more important than ideals and standards.
- Willing to do almost anything necessary to deliver on a promise.
- Tries to be as generous as possible with loved ones but is sometimes left feeling taken for granted.
- Friendly, affirming atmospheres fill the soul with meaning and happiness.
Possible Blind Spots – Your personality and demeanor is peaceful and self-assured, but you may be more reactive and demanding than you think. You’re smart, but that doesn’t make everyone else stupid. Discover the unique qualities in each of the important people in your life, and value them for the variety and differences they possess. Playing the martyr in conflicts does not serve you, and you’ll find greater fulfilment in your relationships if you will show more vulnerability. This mindset type can be materialistic, self-centered and pretentious. While your career may flourish, your relationships may be stunted, and you will find greater balance and fulfillment by giving a higher priority to discovering what you don’t know about your fellow human beings. You’re too evolved and too wise in other things to miss this piece. Because you’ve come this far having grown so much, individuals at this stage of development may struggle with being teachable.
One who grows beyond the Defender/5th Realm stage of development will attest to the following:
“Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” -Mandy Hale.
“There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” – Bruce Lee
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Points (H) 2.00-2.99, (L) 0.00-1.99 – Performer, producer, shrewd, strong-willed
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Overview – In conflict with self, you may see yourself as ambitious but lack the real results you seek. You may tend to overthink everything. This type tends to wait until everything is lined up before starting a project or adventure, and as a result, the desired outcome may remain elusive. You’re motivated by the idea of a victory, but in reality, satisfied to live it only in your head.
Strengths – Responsible, cautiously ambitious, admired, calculated, smart, grounded, methodical.
Driven by – Growth, progress, expansion, big ideas, overcoming challenges, and the anticipated victory, focused on self-reliance.
Combination Analysis – A success-minded high performer. When given a task, you can knock it out in record time. Life is good as long as you’re checking things off your list, but when you don’t know what to do next, you can sometimes experience a void that is only filled by setting another goal or checking off another task.
You aim high and have a perfectionist’s eye for detail. When something needs to be done, you can usually do it without supervision. Some people may view you as a “mover and a shaker”.
Your self-esteem is boosted by the feeling of growth, progress, and expansion, and it can be hard to understand why others don’t want to move and grow at the same pace. Your drive has brought you to the accomplishment of some great achievements, so it can be puzzling when those closest to you don’t always appreciate your dedication to excellence.
You pride yourself in being intelligent and grounded in the way you operate and in the execution of your goals. You feel deeply and wish for a better life, but often circumstances beyond your control keep you from enjoying the results you want. You’ve tried to make changes, but nothing seems to work, at least permanently. It’s hard to believe things will ever change. You often feel unlucky, and struggle to get ahead, but as long as you’re working the checklist, you feel like you must be making progress—and sometimes that’s enough. You’re weary from repeated disappointments and skeptical of anyone who tells you things can improve. Basically, you’ll believe it when you see it.
Sometimes you feel that people who offer solutions have ulterior motives. While some people may call you a cynic, you call it wisdom. You can relate with the saying, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” You’re determined never to be fooled again.
You’re always open to learning more, if there’s truly something new to learn, and if it makes logical sense. Still, it’s easy to feel upset when things go wrong, and you may fundamentally disagree with anyone who claims that your thoughts play any role in causing your misfortune. You are more likely to trust science and academia than social media, empirical proof more than a (probably fabricated) testimonial, and you trust yourself to get things done more than almost anyone else.
Other Common Attributes of the Achiever/Realist
- You believe you are in charge of your destiny.
- You have worked hard for what you’ve achieved.
- You feel the need to be prepared at all times to pivot.
- You know that even if you lose everything, you still have yourself and thus the ability to turn things around.
- Everything works out better when people listen to you.
- It’s not important for you to be seen but you can’t seem to avoid it.
- You think life is what you make it, so why not make it what you want?
- You wish more people in your life understood you and could appreciate your efforts to make life better for everyone.
- You love people and wish you could be more available for them, but you have to get that project finished.
- You are not afraid of deeper relationships, you’re just really busy.
- You don’t think you are pushing yourself too hard. Your work is how you relax, and you enjoy it.
- You are surrounded by people who believe the need to perform is exhausting. Those same people always seem to need your help.
- You believe it is important to always have a goal that challenges your creativity to do more.
- To you, happiness comes from accomplishing the next big thing.
- You would love to just relax, but then how will things get completed?
- You enjoy being around people who are working on creative concepts and innovations.
- You see every day as an opportunity to move the needle forward.
- You embrace challenges as tools for learning and growing.
- You pursue goals tirelessly and complete your tasks with excellence.
- You try to always be prepared for the worst.
- You feel that if other people would just do their part, you’d be able to avoid more of life’s hardships.
Possible Blind Spots – This mindset type combination is likely to confuse busy-ness with productivity. It places a high value on appearing actively engaged in work, but the results may not adequately reflect the amount of effort or energy expended. You may be inclined to show impatience, imbalance, ego, interrupt others, or demonstrate anger when things go wrong, which can negatively affect your work and family relationships.
One who grows beyond the Achiever/Realist stage of development will attest to the following:
“Being busy means doing stuff, being productive means getting stuff done.” – Melanie Fleming
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Points (H) 2.00-2.99, (L) 2.00-2.99 – Performer, producer, skeptic, wary
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Overview – Ambitious at heart, sometimes overcautious. False starts. Motivated by the public victory, but sometimes paralyzed by the potential for public failure. Get ready, get set, get set, get set… Covers bases, risk averse.
Strengths – Responsible, dependable, hard worker, watchful, prudent, cautious, skeptical, analytical, detail oriented.
Driven by – Growth, progress, expansion, popularity, success, fairness, mitigating risk, focused on avoiding danger.
Combination Analysis – A success-minded high performer. When given a task, you can knock it out in record time. Life is good as long as you’re checking things off your list, but when you don’t know what to do next, you can sometimes experience a void that is only filled by setting another goal or checking off another task.
You aim high and have a perfectionist’s eye for detail. When something needs to be done, you can usually do it without supervision. Some people may view you as a “mover and a shaker”.
Your self-esteem is boosted by the feeling of growth, progress, and expansion, and it can be hard to understand why others don’t want to move and grow at the same pace. Your drive has brought you to the accomplishment of some great achievements, so it can be puzzling when those closest to you don’t always appreciate your dedication to excellence.
You are a careful, hard worker who knows you’ll achieve your goals if you give it everything you’ve got, as long as nothing gets in the way. The problem is, things often get in the way. Life sometimes seems unfair, unpredictable, or unfortunate. You’re resourceful and manage to get through each challenge eventually, but sometimes you do long for a lucky break. Although you live life guarded, your healthy skepticism often keeps you safe. Like a sentinel, you’re always on the lookout for pitfalls and do a good job avoiding them. But sometimes you’re concerned about being stuck where you are.
You’d like things to improve in several areas of your life, but so far, your efforts haven’t caused any real giant leaps forward, and you may be unsure whether your thinking has any real effect on your results. Because things don’t always work out the way you intended, it can be easy to feel as though you don’t have a lot of control over your results, no matter how hard you try.
Sometimes life seems to be in the hands of fate, because no matter what you do, the same kinds of results keep happening. You believe positive thinking may help you live a better life, but haven’t seen a whole lot of evidence that doing so has a real effect on your results. Sometimes your reason for thinking positive is to simply avoid regrets, more than it is to cause a change.
As an intellectual, you strive to look ahead and mitigate risk, and you value fairness. Your talent for recognizing potential problems can be a blessing and a curse. Even when you intentionally choose an outcome different from the default future, it can sometimes be hard to focus more on the happy potential than on the possible failure. After all, you’ve been burned before.
You’re more likely to be motivated by avoiding problems and hardships than by seeking experiences you’ll enjoy. When facing a crisis, you always feel better when you can talk about the problem from every angle, to uncover the reason it happened and to help you avoid similar issues in the future. You’re open to other people’s opinions as long as they’re cautious or prudent like you, but wouldn’t it be nice if there weren’t always so many problems to talk about?
Other Common Attributes of the Achiever/Sentry:
- You believe you are in charge of your destiny.
- You have worked hard for what you’ve achieved.
- You feel the need to be prepared at all times to pivot.
- You know that even if you lose everything, you still have yourself and thus the ability to turn things around.
- Everything works out better when people listen to you.
- It’s not important for you to be seen but you can’t seem to avoid it.
- You think life is what you make it, so why not make it what you want?
- You wish more people in your life understood you and could appreciate your efforts to make life better for everyone.
- You love people and wish you could be more available for them, but you have to get that project finished.
- You are not afraid of deeper relationships, you’re just really busy.
- You don’t think you are pushing yourself too hard. Your work is how you relax, and you enjoy it.
- You are surrounded by people who believe the need to perform is exhausting. Those same people always seem to need your help.
- You believe it is important to always have a goal that challenges your creativity to do more.
- To you, happiness comes from accomplishing the next big thing.
- You would love to just relax, but then how will things get completed?
- You enjoy being around people who are working on creative concepts and innovations.
- You see every day as an opportunity to move the needle forward.
- You embrace challenges as tools for learning and growing.
- You pursue goals tirelessly and complete your tasks with excellence.
- When it comes to your goals or desires, you see yourself as someone who will accomplish them as long as you can find a safe path.
- Accomplishing your vision and goals would be easier if there weren’t so many risks.
- You quickly identify the dangers of new ideas, and readily warn others who can’t see them as easily.
- You are steadfast in holding your position when the potential for negative outcomes arise, and you wish others around you weren’t so eager and careless to proceed despite them.
- You may be easily triggered by stressful situations, and go out of your way to mitigate them.
- You are cautious about changes that require you to step into the unknown.
- You may spend more time organizing the life you’ve already built than planning for the achievement of new goals or desires.
- You might describe yourself as free from past emotional trauma, but others who know you may disagree.
Possible Blind Spots – Impatience, imbalance, skepticism. Your focus on potential risks often blinds you to existing minimal-risk avenues that would lead you to more desirable outcomes. Believing that alternative ways and methods exist and expecting to find them will be your first step to benefitting from them.
One who grows beyond the Achiever/Sentry stage of development will attest to the following:
“Fear knocked on the door, faith answered, and no one was there.” – Unknown
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Points (H) 2.00-2.99, (L) 3.00-3.99 – Performer, producer, bright, inspiring
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Overview – The ultimate go-getter. Charismatic, successful, forward thinking but sometimes careless. Over promises, sometimes under delivers, but always spins it to be A-OK.
Strengths – Responsible, producer, high performer, admired, dependable, leader, mover, shaker, doer, initiator, generator, high achiever, perfectionist, creative, imaginative, inventive, insightful, ingenious, enterprising, innovative, perceptive, clever, talented, gifted, resourceful, discerning, sharp, shrewd.
Driven by – Success, the public victory, growth, progress, expansion, popularity, vision, being happy, focused on persistence or hope.
Combination Analysis – A success-minded high performer. When given a task, you can knock it out in record time. Life is good as long as you’re checking things off your list, but when you don’t know what to do next, you can sometimes experience a void that is only filled by setting another goal or checking off another task.
You aim high and have a perfectionist’s eye for detail. When something needs to be done, you can usually do it without supervision. Some people may view you as a “mover and a shaker”.
Your self-esteem is boosted by the feeling of growth, progress, and expansion, and it can be hard to understand why others don’t want to move and grow at the same pace. Your drive has brought you to the accomplishment of some great achievements, so it can be puzzling when those closest to you don’t always appreciate your dedication to excellence.
You are a joy to be around! You’ve worked hard to fine-tune your thinking because you know how important it is. You’re a high achiever and a cheerleader. Your idealist personality inspires others. You have big dreams, and are rarely idle. When you do allow yourself a break, it’s easy to feel guilty that you’re not doing more. You’re imaginative, enterprising, intuitive, and resourceful, but sometimes you struggle to utilize that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen, especially the ones that are beyond your natural control.
Sometimes you’re not sure why your optimism hasn’t caused things to improve more quickly. You’re good at practicing all the positive thinking tips, but you often feel stuck, having not yet realized the changes that matter most to you. You would like to be more naturally tenacious and faithful. Deep down you want to believe there is unseen help, but sometimes it’s hard to recognize if any help is really happening.
Even when you deal with stress, you can usually manage to get it under control. When dealing with fear or anxiety, you’re able to shift gears back to optimism with some effort. You believe that anything is possible, and your actions show it.
You set lofty goals, and hold expectations for their accomplishment with a fair amount of mental tenacity, even if that determination is not reflected in your actions.
When things get worse instead of better, you believe that you can turn things around with more learning, or more intense positivity. When things go wrong, you can usually find a silver lining in the cloud, and you trust that this thought-habit will pay off in real results, eventually.
Each interaction with others is a potential opportunity to make progress toward your goals, and you strive to make the most out of every situation. Even though optimism is your chosen habit, waiting for the desired results can sometimes feel exhausting.
Staying positive all the time can be difficult, but it doesn’t keep you from striving to live that way. Sometimes, however, you do wonder how long it will take before you’ll finally experience the big results you’ve been longing for.
Other Common Attributes of the Achiever/Optimist:
- You believe you are in charge of your destiny.
- You have worked hard for what you’ve achieved.
- You feel the need to be prepared at all times to pivot.
- You know that even if you lose everything, you still have yourself and thus the ability to turn things around.
- Everything works out better when people listen to you.
- It’s not important for you to be seen but you can’t seem to avoid it.
- You think life is what you make it, so why not make it what you want?
- You wish more people in your life understood you and could appreciate your efforts to make life better for everyone.
- You love people and wish you could be more available for them, but you have to get that project finished.
- You are not afraid of deeper relationships, you’re just really busy.
- You don’t think you are pushing yourself too hard. Your work is how you relax, and you enjoy it.
- You are surrounded by people who believe the need to perform is exhausting. Those same people always seem to need your help.
- You believe it is important to always have a goal that challenges your creativity to do more.
- To you, happiness comes from accomplishing the next big thing.
- You would love to just relax, but then how will things get completed?
- You enjoy being around people who are working on creative concepts and innovations.
- You see every day as an opportunity to move the needle forward.
- You embrace challenges as tools for learning and growing.
- You pursue goals tirelessly and complete your tasks with excellence.
Possible Blind Spots – Impatience, imbalance, ego, interrupting others, irritated easily, busy but not always productive, careless, insensitive. Because you’re highly driven and not always patient, and because you are an eternal optimist believing you’ll always find a way out of your predicaments, some individuals with this mindset combination type may have a tendency to go into more debt than they can realistically manage. Because you think highly of yourself, it may be hard for you to consider areas of your life that need improvement. You’re a big dreamer and it would be wise to give your results a chance to catch up with your vision before launching into yet another exciting endeavor. If things are good now, imagine how much better they could be when you allow yourself to learn new perspectives and strategies for success. For some in this category, life is thrilling as long as they’re winning, but when things don’t go their way they sometimes experience a void that can only be filled by the next win. It may be wise to slow down to enjoy, appreciate, and build more depth in your relationships for those kinds of rewards that can be experienced in no other way. New ideas may come often and easily but make sure you use your strengths to help you overcome the struggle you may have with following-through.
One who grows beyond the Achiever/Optimist stage of development will attest to the following:
“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom and in all thy getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)
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Points (H) 2.00-2.99, (L) 4.00-4.99 – Performer, producer, wise, empowered
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Overview – One who is motivated by the public victory, and who knows how to leverage universal law and principles to successfully achieve goals efficiently.
Strengths – Responsible, producer, high performer, admired, dependable, leader, mover, shaker, doer, experienced, wise, calm, knowledgeable, intelligent, sensible.
Driven by – Growth, progress, expansion, popularity, success and the public victory, long term vision, peace, focused on principles.
Combination Analysis – A success-minded high performer. When given a task, you can knock it out in record time. Life is good as long as you’re checking things off your list, but when you don’t know what to do next, you can sometimes experience a void that is only filled by setting another goal or checking off another task.
You aim high and have a perfectionist’s eye for detail. When something needs to be done, you can usually do it without supervision. Some people may view you as a “mover and a shaker”. Your self-esteem is boosted by the feeling of growth, progress, and expansion, and it can be hard to understand why others don’t want to move and grow at the same pace. Your drive has brought you to the accomplishment of some great achievements, so it can be puzzling when those closest to you don’t always appreciate your dedication to excellence.
You have experience with intentional goal achievement, and make empowered decisions. You understand there are fewer risks more dangerous than a careless mindset. As mastering one’s mindset can be a lifelong pursuit, your mindset type is among the most conscious of where you fall short.
Not only have you discovered the power of your thoughts, but you’ve learned to employ them intentionally for achieving sometimes seemingly impossible goals. You learn from your mistakes, and forge ahead courageously. You have experience with that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen—and whether you know it or not, you’ve likely participated in miracles.
Even if you can’t see it, and even if the world doesn’t know your name, you are beginning to live a legendary life. If you are not already wealthy, you are headed in a good direction. Going forward, look for evidence that the wealth you enjoy is directly related to the amount you need to accomplish the next step for your life’s mission.
At the Exemplar/Sage stage of development, you do not measure success in dollars, but in influence and legacy. Your values and principles run like a thread through everything you do. You are a deep thinker, clever, creative, and intelligent. You show great knowledge and sense.
You are beginning to understand the laws of success, learning to rely on them to help you overcome every obstacle. You believe in unseen help and may be aware of experiencing its sometimes inexplicable assistance.
You are generous and pleasant. You hold other people in high regard. You move forward with faith, even if you don’t see how the goal will be achieved. You’re on track to mastering your mindset and will continue to achieve everything you set out to do, as you continue to choose goals that are aligned with your divine mission.
Other Common Attributes of the Achiever/Sage:
- You believe you are in charge of your destiny.
- You have worked hard for what you’ve achieved.
- You feel the need to be prepared at all times to pivot.
- You know that even if you lose everything, you still have yourself and thus the ability to turn things around.
- Everything works out better when people listen to you.
- It’s not important for you to be seen but you can’t seem to avoid it.
- You think life is what you make it, so why not make it what you want?
- You wish more people in your life understood you and could appreciate your efforts to make life better for everyone.
- You love people and wish you could be more available for them, but you have to get that project finished.
- You are not afraid of deeper relationships, you’re just really busy.
- You don’t think you are pushing yourself too hard. Your work is how you relax, and you enjoy it.
- You are surrounded by people who believe the need to perform is exhausting. Those same people always seem to need your help.
- You believe it is important to always have a goal that challenges your creativity to do more.
- To you, happiness comes from accomplishing the next big thing.
- You would love to just relax, but then how will things get completed?
- You enjoy being around people who are working on creative concepts and innovations.
- You see every day as an opportunity to move the needle forward.
- You embrace challenges as tools for learning and growing.
- You pursue goals tirelessly and complete your tasks with excellence.
- Confident about goal achievement, and selective about what to pursue.
- You are quick to adjust your mindset when the potential for negative outcomes arise.
- Goals are not extensively delayed by unresolved issues from your past.
- Your leadership and influence is not dependent on your having a particular title or position.
- Your vision and goals tend to have a divine, inspired, or uplifting purpose.
- You spend less time analyzing your problems and more time focused on affecting the desired outcome.
Possible Blind Spots – Impatience, imbalance, ego, interrupting others, irritated easily, stubborn, not teachable, dismissive. You’ve got a lot going for you. But there is an even more exquisite experience available when you learn how to be motivated by a higher cause. You may feel your life was cut short if you get to the end of it without discovering the joy of truly losing yourself in the work of helping others without the world even knowing you did. Because you’ve come this far having grown so much, individuals at this stage of development may struggle with being teachable.
One who grows beyond the Achiever/Sage stage of development will attest to the following:
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan
“If you’re not making someone else’s life better, then you’re wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other lives better.” – Will Smith
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Points (H) 2.00-2.99, (L) 5.00 – Performer, producer, wise, empowered
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Overview – One who is motivated by the public victory, and who knows how to leverage universal law and principles to successfully achieve goals efficiently.
Strengths – Responsible, producer, high performer, admired, dependable, leader, mover, shaker, doer, experienced, wise, calm, knowledgeable, intelligent, sensible.
Driven by – Progress, expansion, popularity, success and the public victory, long term vision, peace, focused on growth.
Combination Analysis – A success-minded high performer. When given a task, you can knock it out in record time. Life is good as long as you’re checking things off your list, but when you don’t know what to do next, you can sometimes experience a void that is only filled by setting another goal or checking off another task.
You aim high and have a perfectionist’s eye for detail. When something needs to be done, you can usually do it without supervision. Some people may view you as a “mover and a shaker”.
Your self-esteem is boosted by the feeling of growth, progress, and expansion, and it can be hard to understand why others don’t want to move and grow at the same pace. Your drive has brought you to the accomplishment of some great achievements, so it can be puzzling when those closest to you don’t always appreciate your dedication to excellence.
You have moved beyond intentional goal achievement to a place of being at one with the Highest purposes, and only employing those skills when your life’s purpose or divine mission assignment calls for it. The skill is not used for self-gratification beyond meeting your own needs, but it is readily utilized for serving others in their needs. You’re still conscious of where you fall short in the consistent application of true principles, but have learned how to rely on a power bigger than yourself to fill in the gaps and make up for your shortcomings.
No goal is too big, no cause too impossible to keep you from doing what you were put here to do. You learn from your mistakes more quickly than in the past, and forge ahead with both patience, temperance, and courage. You know that you’ve participated in miracles.
At this stage of development, you no longer measure success in influence and legacy, but in the real impact and improvement enjoyed by those you serve. You’re now more interested in their influence, and in their legacy. You experience a oneness with God (also known as Spirit, Source, Universe, or Nature) which guides your thoughts and actions to align with His will or the most Elevated Purpose in all things.
As for yourself, you are less focused now on what you can gain on the path; you’ve shifted to a place where you are more interested in what you can release both materially and emotionally, and in the experiences through which you pass for how they change you. Needs are few for a person in this realm, but all needs are naturally met with ease for those who live here.
You are a compassionate and patient wellspring of healing for others who are inspired and changed by your confidence in true principles. You are generous yet wise in your interactions with others, long-suffering in outcomes, and trust that ultimate good can be realized out of any circumstance. You participate in causes but are inclined to avoid recognition. You know your place in the grand scheme of things. You have become so others-focused that even the thrill of making a difference is no longer needed nor expected. The good news is that in living life unfettered in this way: clear in spirit and pure in heart, you will always have access to the rare rewards of true joy and serenity. You dwell in calmness beneath the tempests, and soar above the storms in stillness.
You consistently rely on the laws, unseen help, and divine power to help you overcome every obstacle. You are more consciously aware now when you experience its assistance, and despite the natural ups and downs that continue to give life meaning, your existence in general feels more purposeful, fulfilling, and joyful than ever.
Other Common Attributes of the Achiever/5th Realm:
- You believe you are in charge of your destiny.
- You have worked hard for what you’ve achieved.
- You feel the need to be prepared at all times to pivot.
- You know that even if you lose everything, you still have yourself and thus the ability to turn things around.
- Everything works out better when people listen to you.
- It’s not important for you to be seen but you can’t seem to avoid it.
- You think life is what you make it, so why not make it what you want?
- You wish more people in your life understood you and could appreciate your efforts to make life better for everyone.
- You love people and wish you could be more available for them, but you have to get that project finished.
- You are not afraid of deeper relationships, you’re just really busy.
- You don’t think you are pushing yourself too hard. Your work is how you relax, and you enjoy it.
- You are surrounded by people who believe the need to perform is exhausting. Those same people always seem to need your help.
- You believe it is important to always have a goal that challenges your creativity to do more.
- To you, happiness comes from accomplishing the next big thing.
- You would love to just relax, but then how will things get completed?
- You enjoy being around people who are working on creative concepts and innovations.
- You see every day as an opportunity to move the needle forward.
- You embrace challenges as tools for learning and growing.
- You pursue goals tirelessly and complete your tasks with excellence.
Possible Blind Spots – You’ve got a lot going for you. But you may feel your life was cut short if you get to the end of it without discovering the joy of truly losing yourself in the work of helping others without the world even knowing you did. You may struggle with impatience, imbalance, interrupting others, be irritated easily, stubborn, and dismissive. Because you’ve come this far having grown so much, individuals at this stage of development can struggle with being teachable.
One who grows beyond the Achiever/5th Realm stage of development will agree with the following advice:
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein
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Points (H) 3.00-3.99, (L) 0.00-1.99 – Philanthropist, supporter, intelligent, grounded
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Overview – Loves to be about humanitarian causes, but deep down believes that people in need will probably always be in need. Not motivated by a person’s potential for real change; rather, sufficiently motivated by the emotional reward of meeting someone’s need in the moment, even if the relief will only be temporary.
Strengths – Supportive, selfless, grounded, a cautious steward.
Driven by – Contribution, it’s impact, self-reliance, and the preservation of resources, focused on self-reliance.
Combination Analysis – Life’s experiences have brought you to a place where you love feeling the joy of helping others overcome their challenges and find relief from their burdens. You enjoy the high that comes from giving of yourself for the benefit of others. Even if you don’t think so, the world is a better place because you are here. You hope to make a meaningful contribution that helps your fellow human beings.
You pride yourself in being intelligent and grounded in the way you operate and in the execution of your goals. You feel deeply and wish for a better life, but often circumstances beyond your control keep you from enjoying the results you want. You’ve tried to make changes, but nothing seems to work, at least permanently. It’s hard to believe things will ever change.
You often feel unlucky, and struggle to get ahead, but as long as you’re working the checklist, you feel like you must be making progress—and sometimes that’s enough. You’re weary from repeated disappointments and skeptical of anyone who tells you things can improve. Basically, you’ll believe it when you see it.
Sometimes you feel that people who offer solutions have ulterior motives. While some people may call you a cynic, you call it wisdom. You can relate with the saying, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” You’re determined never to be fooled again.
You’re always open to learning more, if there’s truly something new to learn, and if it makes logical sense. Still, it’s easy to feel upset when things go wrong, and you may fundamentally disagree with anyone who claims that your thoughts play any role in causing your misfortune. You are more likely to trust science and academia than social media, empirical proof more than a (probably fabricated) testimonial, and you trust yourself to get things done more than almost anyone else.
Other Common Attributes
- Taking in the views of others even when they are in opposition of your own.
- Having a desire to understand the needs and motivations of others.
- Having a long-term view for making a positive change in the world.
- Wanting to support more than temporary fixes.
- Thinking it is important to invest in long-term solutions to make significant societal changes for the good of humanity.
- Believing the best investment is in people, and that investing in others produces progress on the whole.
- Supporting causes that transform the lives of others, building self-sufficiency.
- Wanting money, resources, and time to be used efficiently and in an organized way to promote self-sustaining change in the world.
- Believing the secret to living is giving and that by contributing to others we all create more meaning in our lives.
- Not caring about the glory; instead caring about making a positive difference.
- Having a mindset that the more you receive, the more you have to give.
- Inclined to help when others are suffering.
Possible Blind Spots – Be aware of cynicism running just below your consciousness because it may be having a more negative impact on your effectiveness than you know. Your influence and impact will be amplified as you address and resolve your real concerns, helping you be more open to the abundance of additional resources and support available to you for accomplishing your work more effectively than ever.
One who grows beyond the Exemplar/Realist stage of development will attest to the following:
“Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” – Katie Reed
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Points (H) 3.00-3.99, (L) 2.00-2.99 – Philanthropist, supporter, watchful, prudent, pragmatic
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Overview – Wants to help others but is sometimes stopped by concerns about running out of resources. Feels good when serving and lifting humanity, while swinging back regularly to focus on meeting his or her own needs.
Strengths – Supportive, selfless, watchful, prudent, cautious, analytical, detail oriented.
Driven by – Fairness, mitigating risk, the joy of contribution and impact, focused on avoiding danger.
Combination Analysis – You have a heart of gold. Life’s experiences have brought you to a place where you love feeling the joy of helping others overcome their challenges and find relief from their burdens. You enjoy the high that comes from giving of yourself for the benefit of others. Even if you don’t think so, the world is a better place because you are here. You hope to make a meaningful contribution that helps your fellow human beings.
You are a careful, hard worker who knows you’ll achieve your goals if you give it everything you’ve got, as long as nothing gets in the way. The problem is, things often get in the way. Life sometimes seems unfair, unpredictable, or unfortunate.
You’re resourceful and manage to get through each challenge eventually, but sometimes you do long for a lucky break. Although you live life guarded, your healthy skepticism often keeps you safe. Like a sentinel, you’re always on the lookout for pitfalls and do a good job avoiding them. But sometimes you’re concerned about being stuck where you are.
You’d like things to improve in several areas of your life, but so far, your efforts haven’t caused any real giant leaps forward, and you may be unsure whether your thinking has any real effect on your results. Because things don’t always work out the way you intended, it can be easy to feel as though you don’t have a lot of control over your results, no matter how hard you try.
Sometimes life seems to be in the hands of fate, because no matter what you do, the same kinds of results keep happening. You believe positive thinking may help you live a better life, but haven’t seen a whole lot of evidence that doing so has a real effect on your results. Sometimes your reason for thinking positive is to simply avoid regrets, more than it is to cause a change.
As an intellectual, you strive to look ahead and mitigate risk, and you value fairness. Your talent for recognizing potential problems can be a blessing and a curse. Even when you intentionally choose an outcome different from the default future, it can sometimes be hard to focus more on the happy potential than on the possible failure. After all, you’ve been burned before.
You’re more likely to be motivated by avoiding problems and hardships than by seeking experiences you’ll enjoy. When facing a crisis, you always feel better when you can talk about the problem from every angle, to uncover the reason it happened and to help you avoid similar issues in the future. You’re open to other people’s opinions as long as they’re cautious or prudent like you, but wouldn’t it be nice if there weren’t always so many problems to talk about?
Other Common Attributes:
- Taking in the views of others even when they are in opposition of your own.
- Having a desire to understand the needs and motivations of others.
- Having a long-term view for making a positive change in the world.
- Wanting to support more than temporary fixes.
- Thinking it is important to invest in long-term solutions to make significant societal changes for the good of humanity.
- Believing the best investment is in people, and that investing in others produces progress on the whole.
- Supporting causes that transform the lives of others, building self-sufficiency.
- Wanting money, resources, and time to be used efficiently and in an organized way to promote self-sustaining change in the world.
- Believing the secret to living is giving and that by contributing to others we all create more meaning in our lives.
- Not caring about the glory; instead caring about making a positive difference.
- Having a mindset that the more you receive, the more you have to give.
- Inclined to help when others are suffering.
Possible Blind Spots – With a heart so inclined to help others, you may be more paralyzed by caution than you’d like to admit. Your cynicism is both a superpower and a handicap, in that it helps you empathize with the recipients of your support, but it also prevents you from identifying the true, lasting relief opportunities that you could otherwise facilitate. There is more unseen help available to you than you know, for your own benefit as well as for others. Discovering how to access that assistance will help you accomplish your purposes more easily as you learn to understand more deeply and abide by dependable universal principles that can lead you to greater success in all your endeavors.
One who grows beyond the Exemplar/Sentry stage will attest to the following:
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.
“All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets:
‘Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!’” – William Hutchison Murray
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Points (H) 3.00-3.99, (L) 3.00-3.99 – Philanthropist, supporter, bright, inspiring
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Overview – A humanitarian dedicated to affecting real and permanent change in his or her own life, as well as in the lives of others. One who may be struggling to realize the results they desire.
Strengths – Supportive, selfless, generous, creative, insightful, innovative, talented, resourceful, sharp.
Driven by – Contribution, it’s impact, and the feeling that accompanies it. A vision for real and permanent change that promises to lift others. Being happy, focused on persistence or hope.
Combination Analysis – You have a heart of gold. Life’s experiences have brought you to a place where you love feeling the joy of helping others overcome their challenges and find relief from their burdens. You enjoy the high that comes from giving of yourself for the benefit of others. Even if you don’t think so, the world is a better place because you are here. You hope to make a meaningful contribution that helps your fellow human beings.
You are a joy to be around! You’ve worked hard to fine-tune your thinking because you know how important it is. You’re a high achiever and a cheerleader. Your idealist personality inspires others. You have big dreams, and are rarely idle. When you do allow yourself a break, it’s easy to feel guilty that you’re not doing more. You’re imaginative, enterprising, intuitive, and resourceful, but sometimes you struggle to utilize that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen, especially the ones that are beyond your natural control.
Sometimes you’re not sure why your optimism hasn’t caused things to improve more quickly. You’re good at practicing all the positive thinking tips, but you often feel stuck, having not yet realized the changes that matter most to you. You would like to be more naturally tenacious and faithful. Deep down you want to believe there is unseen help, but sometimes it’s hard to recognize if any help is really happening.
Even when you deal with stress, you can usually manage to get it under control. When dealing with fear or anxiety, you’re able to shift gears back to optimism with some effort. You believe that anything is possible, and your actions show it.
You set lofty goals, and hold expectations for their accomplishment with a fair amount of mental tenacity, even if that determination is not reflected in your actions.
When things get worse instead of better, you believe that you can turn things around with more learning, or more intense positivity. When things go wrong, you can usually find a silver lining in the cloud, and you trust that this thought-habit will pay off in real results, eventually.
Each interaction with others is a potential opportunity to make progress toward your goals, and you strive to make the most out of every situation. Even though optimism is your chosen habit, waiting for the desired results can sometimes feel exhausting.
Staying positive all the time can be difficult, but it doesn’t keep you from striving to live that way. Sometimes, however, you do wonder how long it will take before you’ll finally experience the big results you’ve been longing for.
Other Common Attributes of the Exemplar/Optimist:
- Taking in the views of others even when they are in opposition of your own.
- Having a desire to understand the needs and motivations of others.
- Having a long-term view for making a positive change in the world.
- Wanting to support more than temporary fixes.
- Thinking it is important to invest in long-term solutions to make significant societal changes for the good of humanity.
- Believing the best investment is in people, and that investing in others produces progress on the whole.
- Supporting causes that transform the lives of others, building self-sufficiency.
- Wanting money, resources, and time to be used efficiently and in an organized way to promote self-sustaining change in the world.
- Believing the secret to living is giving and that by contributing to others we all create more meaning in our lives.
- Not caring about the glory; instead caring about making a positive difference.
- Having a mindset that the more you receive, the more you have to give.
- Inclined to help when others are suffering.
Possible Blind Spots – You may spend a lot of time being busy without being productive, or believing in your dreams without taking sufficient action on them. New ideas may come often and easily but lean on your strengths to help you overcome the struggle you may have with following-through. You may also be depending too much on your own strength, smarts, or wisdom to achieve those seemingly impossible goals.
As you learn how the laws and principles of success work, you’ll be able to achieve more without wearing yourself out. Be careful to pace yourself so that you don’t run out of steam before the project is complete. As a dreamer and an optimist, be careful not to use credit too much or overextend yourself financially, believing that there will be a way to pay it off someday. Being wise and patient in the short-term will help you have the greatest impact long-term.
Be watchful that you do not let yourself worry that your efforts aren’t having enough impact to the point that it’s paralyzing. Trust that even the little things will add up to make a big difference. You may overthink past encounters, or get distracted by the desire to memorialize a moment with a selfie, missing the precious opportunity to soak in the moment you’re in, and truly feel the joy of being present with the person or people you are with.
One who grows beyond the Exemplar/Optimist stage of development will identify with the following:
With his camera trained on a leopard, Sean O’Connell sat up to gaze at it lens-free. Walter Mitty asked: “When are you going to take it?”
Sean O’Connell: “Sometimes I don’t. If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don’t like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it.”
Walter: “Stay in it?”
Sean: “Yeah. Right there… [getting present] Right here.”
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Points (H) 3.00-3.99, (L) 4.00-4.99 – Philanthropist, supporter, wise, empowered
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Overview – One who is motivated by how it feels to serve others, and who knows how to successfully achieve goals using success principles.
Strengths – Supportive, selfless, generous, altruistic, experienced, wise, calm, knowledgeable, intelligent, sensible.
Driven by – The feeling of contribution, the long term vision, peace, and impact., focused on principles.
Combination Analysis – You have a heart of gold. Life’s experiences have brought you to a place where you love feeling the joy of helping others overcome their challenges and find relief from their burdens. You enjoy the high that comes from giving of yourself for the benefit of others. Even if you don’t think so, the world is a better place because you are here. You hope to make a meaningful contribution that helps your fellow human beings.
You have experience with intentional goal achievement, and make empowered decisions. You understand there are fewer risks more dangerous than a careless mindset. As mastering one’s mindset can be a lifelong pursuit, your mindset type is among the most conscious of where you fall short.
Not only have you discovered the power of your thoughts, but you’ve learned to employ them intentionally for achieving sometimes seemingly impossible goals. You learn from your mistakes, and forge ahead courageously. You have experience with that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen—and whether you know it or not, you’ve likely participated in miracles.
Even if you can’t see it, and even if the world doesn’t know your name, you are beginning to live a legendary life. If you are not already wealthy, you are headed in a good direction. Going forward, look for evidence that the wealth you enjoy is directly related to the amount you need to accomplish the next step for your life’s mission.
At the Exemplar/Sage stage of development, you do not measure success in dollars, but in influence and legacy. Your values and principles run like a thread through everything you do. You are a deep thinker, clever, creative, and intelligent. You show great knowledge and sense.
You are beginning to understand the laws of success, learning to rely on them to help you overcome every obstacle. You believe in unseen help and may be aware of experiencing its sometimes inexplicable assistance.
You are generous and pleasant. You hold other people in high regard. You move forward with faith, even if you don’t see how the goal will be achieved. You’re on track to mastering your mindset and will continue to achieve everything you set out to do, as you continue to choose goals that are aligned with your divine mission.
Other Common Attributes of the Exemplar/Sage:
- Taking in the views of others even when they are in opposition of your own.
- Having a desire to understand the needs and motivations of others.
- Having a long-term view for making a positive change in the world.
- Wanting to support more than temporary fixes.
- Thinking it is important to invest in long-term solutions to make significant societal changes for the good of humanity.
- Believing the best investment is in people, and that investing in others produces progress on the whole.
- Supporting causes that transform the lives of others, building self-sufficiency.
- Wanting money, resources, and time to be used efficiently and in an organized way to promote self-sustaining change in the world.
- Believing the secret to living is giving and that by contributing to others we all create more meaning in our lives.
- Not caring about the glory; instead caring about making a positive difference.
- Having a mindset that the more you receive, the more you have to give.
- Inclined to help when others are suffering.
- Confident about goal achievement, and selective about what to pursue.
- You are quick to adjust your mindset when the potential for negative outcomes arise.
- Goals are not extensively delayed by unresolved issues from your past.
- Your leadership and influence is not dependent on your having a particular title or position.
- Your vision and goals tend to have a divine, inspired, or uplifting purpose.
- You spend less time analyzing your problems and more time focused on affecting the desired outcome.
Possible Blind Spots – Those who are motivated by keeping the peace may be inclined to too much passivity in relationships, or to being unnecessarily accommodating. If you choose to be accommodating, do it from a stance of choice and willingness, rather than a stance of resignation. One area where you may discover something new and uncharted is in checking your motive in your relationships with others. You may discover that there is an even greater feeling yet to be discovered than the freedom you’ve gained from putting up protective walls, or even the joy of service you’ve come to know. Because you’ve come this far having grown so much, individuals at this stage of development may struggle with being teachable. Sometimes our greatest moments of clarity, satisfaction, and empowerment come through responding in uncommon ways to life’s greatest trials.
One who grows beyond the Exemplar/Sage stage of development will attest to the following:
“The greatest sacrifice is when you sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of someone else.” – Unknown.
“Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.” – Haruki Murakami
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Points (H) 3.00-3.99, (L) 5.00 – Philanthropist, supporter, wise, empowered
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Overview – One who is motivated by how it feels to serve others, and who knows how to successfully achieve goals using success principles.
Strengths – Supportive, selfless, generous, altruistic, experienced, wise, calm, knowledgeable, intelligent, sensible.
Driven by – The feeling of contribution, the long term vision, peace, and impact, focused on principles.
Combination Analysis – You have a heart of gold. Life’s experiences have brought you to a place where you love feeling the joy of helping others overcome their challenges and find relief from their burdens. You enjoy the high that comes from giving of yourself for the benefit of others. Even if you don’t think so, the world is a better place because you are here. You hope to make a meaningful contribution that helps your fellow human beings.
You have moved beyond intentional goal achievement to a place of being at one with the Highest purposes, and only employing those skills when your life’s purpose or divine mission assignment calls for it. The skill is not used for self-gratification beyond meeting your own needs, but it is readily utilized for serving others in their needs. You’re still conscious of where you fall short in the consistent application of true principles, but have learned how to rely on a power bigger than yourself to fill in the gaps and make up for your shortcomings.
No goal is too big, no cause too impossible to keep you from doing what you were put here to do. You learn from your mistakes more quickly than in the past, and forge ahead with both patience, temperance, and courage. You know that you’ve participated in miracles.
At this stage of development, you no longer measure success in influence and legacy, but in the real impact and improvement enjoyed by those you serve. You’re now more interested in their influence, and in their legacy. You experience a oneness with God (also known as Spirit, Source, Universe, or Nature), which guides your thoughts and actions to align with His will or the most Elevated Purpose in all things.
As for yourself, you are less focused now on what you can gain on the path; you’ve shifted to a place where you are more interested in what you can release both materially and emotionally, and in the experiences through which you pass for how they change you. Needs are few for a person in this realm, but all needs are naturally met with ease for those who live here.
You are a compassionate and patient wellspring of healing for others who are inspired and changed by your confidence in true principles. You are generous yet wise in your interactions with others, long-suffering in outcomes, and trust that ultimate good can be realized out of any circumstance. You participate in causes but are inclined to avoid recognition. You know your place in the grand scheme of things. You have become so others-focused that even the thrill of making a difference is no longer needed nor expected. The good news is that in living life unfettered in this way: clear in spirit and pure in heart, you will always have access to the rare rewards of true joy and serenity. You dwell in calmness beneath the tempests, and soar above the storms in stillness.
You consistently rely on the laws, unseen help, and divine power to help you overcome every obstacle. You are more consciously aware now when you experience its assistance, and despite the natural ups and downs that continue to give life meaning, your existence in general feels more purposeful, fulfilling, and joyful than ever.
Other Common Attributes of the Exemplar/5th Realm:
- Taking in the views of others even when they are in opposition of your own.
- Having a desire to understand the needs and motivations of others.
- Having a long-term view for making a positive change in the world.
- Wanting to support more than temporary fixes.
- Thinking it is important to invest in long-term solutions to make significant societal changes for the good of humanity.
- Believing the best investment is in people, and that investing in others produces progress on the whole.
- Supporting causes that transform the lives of others, building self-sufficiency.
- Wanting money, resources, and time to be used efficiently and in an organized way to promote self-sustaining change in the world.
- Believing the secret to living is giving and that by contributing to others we all create more meaning in our lives.
- Not caring about the glory; instead caring about making a positive difference.
- Having a mindset that the more you receive, the more you have to give.
- Inclined to help when others are suffering.
Possible Blind Spots – One area where you may discover something new and uncharted is in checking your motive in your relationships with others. You may discover that there is an even greater feeling yet to be discovered than even the joy of service you’ve come to know. Because you’ve come this far having grown so much, individuals at this stage of development may struggle with being teachable. Sometimes your greatest moments of clarity, satisfaction, and empowerment will come through responding in new or unconventional ways to life’s greatest trials.
One who grows beyond the Exemplar/5th Realm stage of development will attest to the following:
“Never let a short term desire get in the way of a long term goal.” Curtis Martin
“Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives.” – Tony Robbins
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Points (H) 4.00-4.99, (L) 0.00-1.99 – Influential, honorable, unassuming, intelligent, grounded
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Overview – One of the most contented mindset types on the grid. Their skill with people contributes to the good of others more than they realize. Since a person with this type tends to find satisfaction in the status quo, he/she may also experience relatively low amounts of growth, change, or progress.
Strengths – Steady, compassionate, confident, wise, patient, easy going, pleasant.
Driven by – The needs of others, self-reliance, love, anonymity, peace, and ease, focused on self-reliance.
Combination Analysis – You’re experienced in learning how to be steady and unaffected by the unstable moods and opinions of others. You’ve accessed the power that comes through loss of self, of keeping your ego in check, and are evolving beyond the need to be seen.
While the Exemplar serves for the joy of making a difference, the Vessel serves mainly to fill a need. You find uncommon joy in doing hard things, and even if you are well known and respected, you are equally content to be of no public consequence. As you wisely put others first without compromising your own personal autonomy, you access a level of fulfilment and satisfaction that many will never find.
You are a compassionate and patient wellspring of healing for others. Nobody needs to change for you; you love them just as they are. You are generous yet wise in your interactions with others, long-suffering in outcomes, and have long-term vision for any expectations you may have of others.
You are aware of the things that trigger you, but choose not to be controlled by them. You have a well-developed relationship with Humanity, and as you learn how to develop your relationship with Universal Law, you will find it easier to dwell in calmness beneath the tempests, and soar above the storms in stillness.
While you likely experience satisfaction and fulfilment in your significant relationships, sometimes you feel that circumstances beyond your control have been keeping you from experiencing the results in other areas that you really want. Despite your efforts to make changes, nothing has seemed to work, at least permanently. You may struggle to get ahead. You don’t let yourself get too weary from repeated disappointments, but hope that one day things may finally change for you.
You’re always open to learning more, if there’s truly something new to learn, and if it makes logical sense. Still, it’s easy to be disappointed when things go wrong. You are more likely to trust science and academia than social media, empirical proof more than a (probably fabricated) testimonial, and you trust yourself to get things done more than almost anyone else.
Other Common Attributes:
- You accept yourself, others, and situations the way they are and the way they are not.
- You embrace your life with joy and effectively resolve guilt and shame.
- You’ve learned to manage trepidation when facing things that are different or unknown.
- You view life as it unfolds both logically and rationally, while embracing the possibilities for extraordinary outcomes.
- You enjoy finding solutions to real-world situations and helping others improve their lives.
- You tend to be very independent. You don’t conform to other people’s ideas of happiness and contentment, but you’re willing to listen.
- You value your privacy and enjoy solitude. You love the company of others, but it is essential to the discovery and cultivating of your own potential to have time alone.
- You have a good sense of humor and have the ability to laugh at yourself.
- You are able to enjoy the humor in situations that may be challenging for others.
- You follow generally accepted social expectations and don’t feel confined by those norms in your thoughts or behaviors.
- You enjoy setting new goals for yourself, but you don’t see the path of achievement as a means to an end. The journey is just as important and enjoyable as accomplishing the desired result.
- You accept your quirks and imperfections without feeling embarrassed or apologetic.
- You have experience staying true to your core values, even in environments that challenge them.
- You tend to take life’s inevitable ups and downs with grace, acceptance, and equanimity.
- You have a genuine desire to help humanity.
- You readily recognize that you might perceive things that may not be true.
- You often have experiences in which you feel a profound transcendence of your petty concerns.
- You take full responsibility for your actions without pointing the finger at others.
- You can tell ‘deep down’ right away when you’ve done something wrong and you commit quickly to making it right.
- When people get upset with you, you engage with concern and curiosity to see how you can assist them with feeling better.
- You try to always be prepared for the worst.
- You feel that if other people would just do their part, you’d be able to avoid more of life’s hardships.
Possible Blind Spots – You can be so focused on meeting others’ immediate needs that you don’t look ahead at the consequences of doing too much. Sometimes your generosity leads to unnecessary hardships that could otherwise be avoided with a little more foresight. Your resignation to things never changing for you is pinching off the possibility that life could be more abundant for both you AND those you love to help.
One who grows beyond the Vessel/Realist stage of development will attest to the following:
“…extreme altruism is no better and no nobler than extreme selfishness; both are mistakes. Get rid of the idea that God wants you to sacrifice yourself for others, and that you can secure his favor by doing so; God requires nothing of the kind. What he wants is that you should make the most of yourself, for yourself, and for others; and you can help others more by making the most of yourself than in any other way.” – Wallace D. Wattles
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Points (H) 4.00-4.99, (L) 2.00-2.99 – Influential, honorable, unassuming, watchful, prudent
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Overview – Subtle, influential, and pragmatic. Cautious without being fearful. Rule follower, respectful. Steady, dependable, and willing, but deep down, hesitant to stretch beyond what is comfortable.
Strengths – Steady, compassionate, confident, wise, patient, watchful, prudent, cautious, skeptical, analytical, detail oriented.
Driven by – Fairness, mitigating risk, the needs of others, love, anonymity, focused on avoiding danger.
Combination Analysis – You’re experienced in learning how to be unaffected by the unstable moods and opinions of others. You’ve accessed the power that comes through loss of self, of keeping your ego in check, and are evolving beyond the need to be seen.
While the Exemplar serves for the joy of making a difference, the Vessel serves mainly to fill a need. You find uncommon joy in doing hard things, and even if you are well known and respected, you are equally content to be of no public consequence. As you wisely put others first without compromising your own personal autonomy, you access a level of fulfilment and satisfaction that many will never find.
You are a compassionate and patient wellspring of healing for others. Nobody needs to change for you; you love them just as they are. You are generous yet wise in your interactions with others, long-suffering in outcomes, and have long-term vision for any expectations you may have of others.
You are aware of the things that trigger you, but choose not to be controlled by them. You have a well-developed relationship with Humanity, and as you learn how to develop your relationship with Universal Law, you will find it easier to dwell in calmness beneath the tempests, and soar above the storms in stillness.
You are a careful, hard worker who knows you’ll achieve your goals if you give it everything you’ve got, as long as nothing gets in the way. The problem is, things often get in the way. Life sometimes seems unfair, unpredictable, or unfortunate.
You’re resourceful and manage to get through each challenge eventually, but sometimes you do long for a lucky break. Although you live life guarded, your healthy skepticism often keeps you safe. Like a sentinel, you’re always on the lookout for pitfalls and do a good job avoiding them. But sometimes you’re concerned about being stuck where you are.
You’d like things to improve in several areas of your life, but so far, your efforts haven’t caused any real giant leaps forward, and you may be unsure whether your thinking has any real effect on your results. Because things don’t always work out the way you intended, it can be easy to feel as though you don’t have a lot of control over your results, no matter how hard you try.
Sometimes life seems to be in the hands of fate, because no matter what you do, the same kinds of results keep happening. You believe positive thinking may help you live a better life, but haven’t seen a whole lot of evidence that doing so has a real effect on your results. Sometimes your reason for thinking positive is to simply avoid regrets, more than it is to cause a change.
As an intellectual, you strive to look ahead and mitigate risk, and you value fairness. Your talent for recognizing potential problems can be a blessing and a curse. Even when you intentionally choose an outcome different from the default future, it can sometimes be hard to focus more on the happy potential than on the possible failure. After all, you’ve been burned before.
You’re more likely to be motivated by avoiding problems and hardships than by seeking experiences you’ll enjoy. When facing a crisis, you always feel better when you can talk about the problem from every angle, to uncover the reason it happened and to help you avoid similar issues in the future. You’re open to other people’s opinions as long as they’re cautious or prudent like you, but wouldn’t it be nice if there weren’t always so many problems to talk about?
Other Common Attributes:
- You accept yourself, others, and situations the way they are and the way they are not.
- You embrace your life with joy and effectively resolve guilt and shame.
- You’ve learned to manage trepidation when facing things that are different or unknown.
- You view life as it unfolds both logically and rationally, while embracing the possibilities for extraordinary outcomes.
- You enjoy finding solutions to real-world situations and helping others improve their lives.
- You tend to be very independent. You don’t conform to other people’s ideas of happiness and contentment, but you’re willing to listen.
- You value your privacy and enjoy solitude. You love the company of others, but it is essential to the discovery and cultivating of your own potential to have time alone.
- You have a good sense of humor and have the ability to laugh at yourself.
- You are able to enjoy the humor in situations that may be challenging for others.
- You follow generally accepted social expectations and don’t feel confined by those norms in your thoughts or behaviors.
- You enjoy setting new goals for yourself, but you don’t see the path of achievement as a means to an end. The journey is just as important and enjoyable as accomplishing the desired result.
- You accept your quirks and imperfections without feeling embarrassed or apologetic.
- You have experience staying true to your core values, even in environments that challenge them.
- You tend to take life’s inevitable ups and downs with grace, acceptance, and equanimity.
- You have a genuine desire to help humanity.
- You readily recognize that you might perceive things that may not be true.
- You often have experiences in which you feel a profound transcendence of your petty concerns.
- You take full responsibility for your actions without pointing the finger at others.
- You can tell ‘deep down’ right away when you’ve done something wrong and you commit quickly to making it right.
- When people get upset with you, you engage with concern and curiosity to see how you can assist them with feeling better.
- When it comes to your goals or desires, you see yourself as someone who will accomplish them as long as you can find a safe path.
- Accomplishing your vision and goals would be easier if there weren’t so many risks.
- You quickly identify the dangers of new ideas, and readily warn others who can’t see them as easily.
- You are steadfast in holding your position when the potential for negative outcomes arise, and you wish others around you weren’t so eager and careless to proceed despite them.
- You may be easily triggered by stressful situations, and go out of your way to mitigate them.
- You are cautious about changes that require you to step into the unknown.
- You may spend more time organizing the life you’ve already built than planning for the achievement of new goals or desires.
- You might describe yourself as free from past emotional trauma, but others who know you may disagree.
Possible Blind Spots – Because you’ve already discovered so many secrets to rewarding relationships, your pride can sometimes get in the way of learning how to live even better. You may be inclined to disengage instead of solve a problem, and you may be inclined to retreat from an opportunity if it doesn’t perfectly fit into your existing comfort zone.
One who grows beyond the Vessel/Sentry stage of development will attest to the following:
“There are known knowns… There are known unknowns… But there are also unknown unknowns… things we don’t know we don’t know.” – Donald Rumsfield
Change your score, change your life!
Points (H) 4.00-4.99, (L) 3.00-3.99 – Influential, honorable, unassuming, bright, inspiring
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Overview – Pure in heart, serving, creative, uplifting, others-centered, and depends too much on his/her own strength to achieve objectives.
Strengths – Steady, compassionate, confident, wise, patient, high achiever, ambitious, creative, perceptive, clever, gifted, resourceful, sharp.
Driven by – The needs of others, love, anonymity, true charity, noticing others’ talents, vision, change, progress, being happy, focused on persistence or hope.
Combination Analysis – You’re experienced in learning how to be unaffected by the unstable moods and opinions of others. You’ve accessed the power that comes through loss of self, of keeping your ego in check, and are evolving beyond the need to be seen.
While the Exemplar serves for the joy of making a difference, the Vessel serves mainly to fill a need. You find uncommon joy in doing hard things, and even if you are well known and respected, you are equally content to be of no public consequence. As you wisely put others first without compromising your own personal autonomy, you access a level of fulfilment and satisfaction that many will never find.
Though it may appear to others that you have chosen a life of sacrifice, you are not a victim. Your selflessness comes from a position of strength, and choice. It was not imposed on you, it was consciously decided, willingly accepted, even embraced.
While nobody knows better than you that you are not a perfect person, these moments of perfection and sacrifice have elevated you, rather than diminishing you. You live a mystery. Your invisibility is a strength that emanates power and influence that can be employed in no other way, which is why what you have achieved is so rare.
You are a compassionate and patient wellspring of healing for others who are inspired and changed by your confidence in true principles. You are generous yet wise in your interactions with others, long-suffering in outcomes, and trust that ultimate good can be realized out of any circumstance.
You are aware of the things that trigger you, but choose not to be controlled by them. You have a well-developed relationship with Humanity, and as you learn how to develop your relationship with Universal Law, you will find it easier to dwell in calmness beneath the tempests, and soar above the storms in stillness.
New – You are a joy to be around! You’ve worked hard to fine-tune your thinking because you know how important it is. You’re a high achiever and a cheerleader. Your idealist personality inspires others. You have big dreams, and are rarely idle. When you do allow yourself a break, it’s easy to feel guilty that you’re not doing more. You’re imaginative, enterprising, intuitive, and resourceful, but sometimes you struggle to utilize that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen, especially the ones that are beyond your natural control.
Sometimes you’re not sure why your optimism hasn’t caused things to improve more quickly. You’re good at practicing all the positive thinking tips, but you often feel stuck, having not yet realized the changes that matter most to you. You would like to be more naturally tenacious and faithful. Deep down you want to believe there is unseen help, but sometimes it’s hard to recognize if any help is really happening.
Even when you deal with stress, you can usually manage to get it under control. When dealing with fear or anxiety, you’re able to shift gears back to optimism with some effort. You believe that anything is possible, and your actions show it.
You set lofty goals, and hold expectations for their accomplishment with a fair amount of mental tenacity, even if that determination is not reflected in your actions.
When things get worse instead of better, you believe that you can turn things around with more learning, or more intense positivity. When things go wrong, you can usually find a silver lining in the cloud, and you trust that this thought-habit will pay off in real results, eventually.
Each interaction with others is a potential opportunity to make progress toward your goals, and you strive to make the most out of every situation. Even though optimism is your chosen habit, waiting for the desired results can sometimes feel exhausting.
Staying positive all the time can be difficult, but it doesn’t keep you from striving to live that way. Sometimes, however, you do wonder how long it will take before you’ll finally experience the big results you’ve been longing for.
Other Common Attributes:
- You accept yourself, others, and situations the way they are and the way they are not.
- You embrace your life with joy and effectively resolve guilt and shame.
- You’ve learned to manage trepidation when facing things that are different or unknown.
- You view life as it unfolds both logically and rationally, while embracing the possibilities for extraordinary outcomes.
- You enjoy finding solutions to real-world situations and helping others improve their lives.
- You tend to be very independent. You don’t conform to other people’s ideas of happiness and contentment, but you’re willing to listen.
- You value your privacy and enjoy solitude. You love the company of others, but it is essential to the discovery and cultivating of your own potential to have time alone.
- You have a good sense of humor and have the ability to laugh at yourself.
- You are able to enjoy the humor in situations that may be challenging for others.
- You follow generally accepted social expectations and don’t feel confined by those norms in your thoughts or behaviors.
- You enjoy setting new goals for yourself, but you don’t see the path of achievement as a means to an end. The journey is just as important and enjoyable as accomplishing the desired result.
- You accept your quirks and imperfections without feeling embarrassed or apologetic.
- You have experience staying true to your core values, even in environments that challenge them.
- You tend to take life’s inevitable ups and downs with grace, acceptance, and equanimity.
- You have a genuine desire to help humanity.
- You readily recognize that you might perceive things that may not be true.
- You often have experiences in which you feel a profound transcendence of your petty concerns.
- You take full responsibility for your actions without pointing the finger at others.
- You can tell ‘deep down’ right away when you’ve done something wrong and you commit quickly to making it right.
- When people get upset with you, you engage with concern and curiosity to see how you can assist them with feeling better.
Possible Blind Spots – Because you are an evolved individual, you may be prone to pride, disengaging with others who may be less evolved, and you may default to being too passive in relationships. Optimism can lead some at this stage of development to overextend themselves financially, believing that they’ll find a way to pay it off someday. You may spend a lot of your time being busy without always being productive, and you depend too much on yourself to bring superhuman effort to those seemingly impossible goals. What you don’t see is that the biggest goals can be achieved with much less effort, as you discover and employ the universal laws and principles that activate unseen help on your behalf. All you need will be orchestrated even without your direct involvement, and learning how to do this will be key in achieving the goals that matter most. New ideas may come often and easily, but make sure you use your strengths to help you overcome the struggle you may have with following-through.
One who grows beyond the Vessel/Optimist stage will attest to the following:
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him… and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings.” – Henry David Thoreau
Want to learn how? Change your score, Change your life!
Points (H) 4.00-4.99, (L) 4.00-4.99 – Influential, honorable, unassuming, wise, empowered
Download the Full Analysis Report here
Overview – One who focuses on meeting other people’s needs without expectation of recognition or personal benefit, and who knows how to successfully achieve goals using success principles.
Strengths – Serene, steady, compassionate, influential, confident, wise, patient, experienced, calm, knowledgeable, intelligent, sensible.
Driven by – Principle, serving others, subtlety, and having a long term life’s purpose vision, focused on principles.
Combination Analysis – You’re experienced in learning how to be unaffected by the unstable moods and opinions of others. You’ve accessed the power that comes through loss of self, of keeping your ego in check, and are evolving beyond the need to be seen.
While the Exemplar serves for the joy of making a difference, the Vessel serves mainly to fill a need. You find uncommon joy in doing hard things, and even if you are well known and respected, you are equally content to be of no public consequence. As you put others first in wisdom without compromising your own personal autonomy, you access a level of fulfilment and satisfaction that many will never find.
You are a compassionate and patient wellspring of healing for others who are inspired and changed by your confidence in true principles. You are generous yet wise in your interactions with others, long-suffering in outcomes, and trust that ultimate good can be realized out of any circumstance.
You are aware of the things that trigger you, but choose not to be controlled by them. Like a vessel bringing water to one who is thirsty, you participate in causes but are inclined to avoid recognition. After all, it is the water, not the vessel that quenches, is praised and appreciated, and you know your place in the grand scheme of things. You have become so others-focused that even the thrill of making a difference is no longer needed nor expected. The good news is that in living life unfettered in this way: clear in spirit and pure in heart, you will always have access to the rare rewards of true joy and serenity. You dwell in calmness beneath the tempests, and soar above the storms in stillness.
You have experience with intentional goal achievement, and make empowered decisions. You understand there are fewer risks more dangerous than a careless mindset. As mastering one’s mindset can be a lifelong pursuit, your mindset type is among the most conscious of where you fall short.
Not only have you discovered the power of your thoughts, but you’ve learned to employ them intentionally for achieving sometimes seemingly impossible goals. You learn from your mistakes, and forge ahead courageously. You have experience with that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen—and whether you know it or not, you’ve likely participated in miracles.
Even if you can’t see it, and even if the world doesn’t know your name, you are beginning to live a legendary life. If you are not already wealthy, you are headed in a good direction. Going forward, look for evidence that the wealth you enjoy is directly related to the amount you need to accomplish the next step for your life’s mission.
At the Exemplar/Sage stage of development, you do not measure success in dollars, but in influence and legacy. Your values and principles run like a thread through everything you do. You are a deep thinker, clever, creative, and intelligent. You show great knowledge and sense.
You are beginning to understand the laws of success, learning to rely on them to help you overcome every obstacle. You believe in unseen help and may be aware of experiencing its sometimes inexplicable assistance.
You are generous and pleasant. You hold other people in high regard. You move forward with faith, even if you don’t see how the goal will be achieved. You’re on track to mastering your mindset and will continue to achieve everything you set out to do, as you continue to choose goals that are aligned with your life’s purpose or divine mission.
Other Common Attributes:
- You accept yourself, others, and situations the way they are and the way they are not.
- You embrace your life with joy and effectively resolve guilt and shame.
- You’ve learned to manage trepidation when facing things that are different or unknown.
- You view life as it unfolds both logically and rationally, while embracing the possibilities for extraordinary outcomes.
- You enjoy finding solutions to real-world situations and helping others improve their lives.
- You tend to be very independent. You don’t conform to other people’s ideas of happiness and contentment, but you’re willing to listen.
- You value your privacy and enjoy solitude. You love the company of others, but it is essential to the discovery and cultivating of your own potential to have time alone.
- You have a good sense of humor and have the ability to laugh at yourself.
- You are able to enjoy the humor in situations that may be challenging for others.
- You follow generally accepted social expectations and don’t feel confined by those norms in your thoughts or behaviors.
- You enjoy setting new goals for yourself, but you don’t see the path of achievement as a means to an end. The journey is just as important and enjoyable as accomplishing the desired result.
- You accept your quirks and imperfections without feeling embarrassed or apologetic.
- You have experience staying true to your core values, even in environments that challenge them.
- You tend to take life’s inevitable ups and downs with grace, acceptance, and equanimity.
- You have a genuine desire to help humanity.
- You readily recognize that you might perceive things that may not be true.
- You often have experiences in which you feel a profound transcendence of your petty concerns.
- You take full responsibility for your actions without pointing the finger at others.
- You can tell ‘deep down’ right away when you’ve done something wrong and you commit quickly to making it right.
- When people get upset with you, you engage with concern and curiosity to see how you can assist them with feeling better.
- Confident about goal achievement, and selective about what to pursue.
- You are quick to adjust your mindset when the potential for negative outcomes arise.
- Goals are not extensively delayed by unresolved issues from your past.
- Your leadership and influence is not dependent on your having a particular title or position.
- Your vision and goals tend to have a divine, inspired, or uplifting purpose.
- You spend less time analyzing your problems and more time focused on affecting the desired outcome.
Possible Blind Spots – Despite how well you performed on the test, there is still room to grow. The minute you think you have achieved the pinnacle, you will begin to decline, so always be about further learning and growth, or turn your focus to teaching and showing others how to enjoy for themselves what you have achieved. Help others achieve it more quickly by allowing them to learn from your experiences and mistakes. Don’t become so refined that you are unwilling to share your errors, show your flaws, and how you overcame them. Because you’ve come this far having grown so much, individuals at this stage of development may struggle with being teachable.
One who grows beyond the Vessel/Sage stage of development will attest to the following:
“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” – Albert Einstein
Change your score, change your life!
Points (H) 4.00-4.99, (L) 5.00 – Influential, honorable, unassuming, wise, empowered
Download the Full Analysis Report here
Overview – One who focuses on meeting other people’s needs without expectation of recognition or personal benefit, and who knows how to successfully achieve goals using success principles.
Strengths – Serene, steady, compassionate, influential, confident, wise, patient, experienced, calm, knowledgeable, intelligent, sensible.
Driven by – Principle, serving others, subtlety, and having a long term life’s purpose vision, focused on truth.
Combination Analysis – You’re experienced in learning how to be unaffected by the unstable moods and opinions of others. You’ve accessed the power that comes through loss of self, of keeping your ego in check, and are evolving beyond the need to be seen.
While the Exemplar serves for the joy of making a difference, the Vessel serves mainly to fill a need. You find uncommon joy in doing hard things, and even if you are well known and respected, you are equally content to be of no public consequence. As you put others first in wisdom without compromising your own personal autonomy, you access a level of fulfilment and satisfaction that many will never find.
You are a compassionate and patient wellspring of healing for others who are inspired and changed by your confidence in true principles. You are generous yet wise in your interactions with others, long-suffering in outcomes, and trust that ultimate good can be realized out of any circumstance.
You are aware of the things that trigger you, but choose not to be controlled by them. Like a vessel bringing water to one who is thirsty, you participate in causes but are inclined to avoid recognition. After all, it is the water, not the vessel that quenches, is praised and appreciated, and you know your place in the grand scheme of things. You have become so others-focused that even the thrill of making a difference is no longer needed nor expected. The good news is that in living life unfettered in this way: clear in spirit and pure in heart, you will always have access to the rare rewards of true joy and serenity. You dwell in calmness beneath the tempests, and soar above the storms in stillness.
You have moved beyond intentional goal achievement to a place of being at one with the Highest purposes, and only employing those skills when your life’s purpose or divine mission assignment calls for it. The skill is not used for self-gratification beyond meeting your own needs, but it is readily utilized for serving others in their needs. You’re still conscious of where you fall short in the consistent application of true principles, but have learned how to rely on a power bigger than yourself to fill in the gaps and make up for your shortcomings.
No goal is too big, no cause too impossible to keep you from doing what you were put here to do. You learn from your mistakes more quickly than in the past, and forge ahead with both patience, temperance, and courage. You know that you’ve participated in miracles.
At this stage of development, you no longer measure success in influence and legacy, but in the real impact and improvement enjoyed by those you serve. You’re now more interested in their influence, and in their legacy. You experience a oneness with God (also known as Spirit, Source, Universe, or Nature), which guides your thoughts and actions to align with His will or the most Elevated Purpose in all things.
As for yourself, you are less focused now on what you can gain on the path; you’ve shifted to a place where you are more interested in what you can release both materially and emotionally, and in the experiences through which you pass for how they change you. Needs are few for a person in this realm, but all needs are naturally met with ease for those who live here.
You are a compassionate and patient wellspring of healing for others who are inspired and changed by your confidence in true principles. You are generous yet wise in your interactions with others, long-suffering in outcomes, and trust that ultimate good can be realized out of any circumstance. You participate in causes but are inclined to avoid recognition. You know your place in the grand scheme of things. You have become so others-focused that even the thrill of making a difference is no longer needed nor expected. The good news is that in living life unfettered in this way: clear in spirit and pure in heart, you will always have access to the rare rewards of true joy and serenity. You dwell in calmness beneath the tempests, and soar above the storms in stillness.
You consistently rely on the laws, unseen help, and divine power to help you overcome every obstacle. You are more consciously aware now when you experience its assistance, and despite the natural ups and downs that continue to give life meaning, your existence in general feels more purposeful, fulfilling, and joyful than ever.
Other Common Attributes:
- You accept yourself, others, and situations the way they are and the way they are not.
- You embrace your life with joy and effectively resolve guilt and shame.
- You’ve learned to manage trepidation when facing things that are different or unknown.
- You view life as it unfolds both logically and rationally, while embracing the possibilities for extraordinary outcomes.
- You enjoy finding solutions to real-world situations and helping others improve their lives.
- You tend to be very independent. You don’t conform to other people’s ideas of happiness and contentment, but you’re willing to listen.
- You value your privacy and enjoy solitude. You love the company of others, but it is essential to the discovery and cultivating of your own potential to have time alone.
- You have a good sense of humor and have the ability to laugh at yourself.
- You are able to enjoy the humor in situations that may be challenging for others.
- You follow generally accepted social expectations and don’t feel confined by those norms in your thoughts or behaviors.
- You enjoy setting new goals for yourself, but you don’t see the path of achievement as a means to an end. The journey is just as important and enjoyable as accomplishing the desired result.
- You accept your quirks and imperfections without feeling embarrassed or apologetic.
- You have experience staying true to your core values, even in environments that challenge them.
- You tend to take life’s inevitable ups and downs with grace, acceptance, and equanimity.
- You have a genuine desire to help humanity.
- You readily recognize that you might perceive things that may not be true.
- You often have experiences in which you feel a profound transcendence of your petty concerns.
- You take full responsibility for your actions without pointing the finger at others.
- You can tell ‘deep down’ right away when you’ve done something wrong and you commit quickly to making it right.
- When people get upset with you, you engage with concern and curiosity to see how you can assist them with feeling better.
Possible Blind Spots – Despite how well you performed on the test, there is still room to grow. The minute you think you have achieved the pinnacle, you will begin to decline, so always be about further learning and growth, or turn your focus to teaching and showing others how to enjoy for themselves what you have achieved. Help others achieve it more quickly by allowing them to learn from your experiences and mistakes. Don’t become so refined that you are unwilling to share your errors, show your flaws, and how you overcame them. Because you’ve come this far having grown so much, individuals at this stage of development may struggle with being teachable.
One who grows beyond the Vessel/5th Realm stage of development will attest to the following:
“We must get to the point in our lives… To become a new kind of man or woman, having inner command and outer excellence.” ―Vernon Howard
“Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.” – Albert Einstein
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Points (H) 5.00, (L) 0.00-1.99 – Refined, pure-hearted, intelligent, grounded
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Overview – A place of serenity where one’s greatest purpose and joy aligns with Source or God’s own work and glory. However, since a person with this combination easily finds satisfaction in the status quo, he/she may align more in desire than in actual behavior, and may be prone to stagnation.
Strengths – Selfless, compassionate, serene, discerning, steady, confident, wise, patient, easy going, pleasant.
Drawn to – comfort and strengthen others, self-reliance, love, anonymity, peace, and ease, focused on self-reliance.
Combination Analysis – The 5th Realm or outer level of the matrix is where remaining burdens, concerns, entanglements and ulterior motives melt away. It’s where we begin to experience the ultimate way of being, feeling whole, complete, unhindered and serene.
This level is attained after enduring well ALL of the necessary experiences, and gaining all of the related skill sets on the path. We do not jump to this space without passing the tests of the previous levels. The fires of all four lower levels from each axis are necessary to be experienced fully before one is refined enough to become 5th Realm Complete.
It is in this space where we fully realize that all fears and perceived threats were merely shadows of the truth, and where we work privately with our Creator to purify and cleanse any remaining blots, barbs, or stains from our minds and hearts.
You likely came to the 5th Realm state and discovered its unexpected rewards through at least one excruciating, life-altering experience, where your desires were sacrificed for the good of another. This may have been imposed on you, or accepted by choice, but it was your response to the experience that lifted you to this state.
Having chosen an unconventional response and expecting to suffer for it, you may have been surprised to experience the mystery promised that he who loses his life for God’s sake shall find it. Who knew you could experience such an exquisite moment of perfection and depth of serenity in coming to peace with something so dreadful? Having experienced this ascension once, you now seek and find uncommon joy in conquering hard things.
Yet, although it may appear to others that you have, in some ways, accepted a life of suffering and sacrifice, you are not a victim. The selflessness gained through those series of decisions came from a position of strength, and choice. Your forbearance was not imposed on you, it was consciously adopted, and willingly accepted, even embraced.
It is in this outer realm where all remaining ego, prejudices, hidden vices, fears, and grudges are dealt with and purged forever. It is a place of true serenity where one’s greatest purpose and joy aligns with Source or God’s work and glory, free from any other motive. It is to be one with God, Spirit, Source, the Universe, or Nature – the ultimate endeavor – and few there be that find it.
While nobody knows better than you that you are not a perfect person, these moments of perfection and sacrifice have elevated you, rather than diminishing you. Your unassuming way of being is a strength that emanates power and influence which cannot be measured, and which can be employed in no other way. This is why what you have achieved is so rare. Even though your life will continue to have its ups and downs, its failures and successes, you will always be able to return to that place of serenity which you discovered in your extremity, whenever you remember and return to the steps that put you there the first time.
While you likely experience satisfaction and fulfilment in your significant relationships, sometimes you feel that circumstances beyond your control have been keeping you from experiencing the results in other areas that you really want. Despite your efforts to make changes, nothing has seemed to work, at least permanently. You may struggle to get ahead. You don’t let yourself get too weary from repeated disappointments, but hope that one day things may finally change for you.
You’re always open to learning more, if there’s truly something new to learn, and if it makes logical sense. Still, it’s easy to be disappointed when things go wrong. You are more likely to trust science and academia than social media, empirical proof more than a (probably fabricated) testimonial, and you trust yourself to get things done more than almost anyone else.
Other Common Attributes:
- You try to always be prepared for the worst.
- You feel that if other people would just do their part, you’d be able to avoid more of life’s hardships.
Possible Blind Spots – Be wary not to brag that you scored in the 5th Realm, because an honest person with this depth of character will be the least likely to make the status known. Your tendency to think things may never change pinches off the possibility that life could be more abundant for both you, AND those you love to help. Consider the possibility that your conditions can improve as you learn more about the universal laws and principles that impact your outcomes whether you realize it or not.
One who grows beyond the 5th Realm/Realist stage of development will attest to the following:
“You know you are on the right track when you become uninterested in looking back.” — Mel Robbins
Change your score, Change your life!
Points (H) 5.00, (L) 2.00-2.99 – Refined, pure-hearted, watchful, prudent
Download the Full Analysis Report here
Overview – A place of serenity where one’s greatest purpose and joy aligns with Source or God’s own work and glory. Cautious without being fearful. Rule follower, respectful. Steady, dependable, and willing, but hesitant to stretch beyond what is comfortable.
Strengths – Selfless, compassionate, serene, discerning, steady, confident, wise, patient, easy going, pleasant, watchful, prudent, cautious, skeptical, analytical, detail oriented.
Drawn to – comfort and strengthen others, fairness, mitigating risk, avoiding danger.
Combination Analysis – The 5th Realm or outer level of the matrix is where remaining burdens, concerns, entanglements and ulterior motives melt away. It’s where we begin to experience the ultimate way of being, feeling whole, complete, unhindered and serene.
This level is attained after enduring well ALL of the necessary experiences, and gaining all of the related skill sets on the path. We do not jump to this space without passing the tests of the previous levels. The fires of all four lower levels from each axis are necessary to be experienced fully before one is refined enough to become 5th Realm Complete.
It is in this space where we fully realize that all fears and perceived threats were merely shadows of the truth, and where we work privately with our Creator to purify and cleanse any remaining blots, barbs, or stains from our minds and hearts.
You likely came to the 5th Realm state and discovered its unexpected rewards through at least one excruciating, life-altering experience, where your desires were sacrificed for the good of another. This may have been imposed on you, or accepted by choice, but it was your response to the experience that lifted you to this state.
Having chosen an unconventional response and expecting to suffer for it, you may have been surprised to experience the mystery promised that he who loses his life for God’s sake shall find it. Who knew you could experience such an exquisite moment of perfection and depth of serenity in coming to peace with something so dreadful? Having experienced this ascension once, you now seek and find uncommon joy in conquering hard things.
Yet, although it may appear to others that you have, in some ways, accepted a life of suffering and sacrifice, you are not a victim. The selflessness gained through those series of decisions came from a position of strength, and choice. Your forbearance was not imposed on you, it was consciously adopted, and willingly accepted, even embraced.
It is in this outer realm where all remaining ego, prejudices, hidden vices, fears, and grudges are dealt with and purged forever. It is a place of true serenity where one’s greatest purpose and joy aligns with Source or God’s own work and glory, free from any other motive. It is to be one with God, Spirit, Source, the Universe, or Nature – the ultimate endeavor – and few there be that find it.
While nobody knows better than you that you are not a perfect person, these moments of perfection and sacrifice have elevated you, rather than diminishing you. Your unassuming way of being is a strength that emanates power and influence which cannot be measured, and which can be employed in no other way. This is why what you have achieved is so rare. Even though your life will continue to have its ups and downs, its failures and successes, you will always be able to return to that place of serenity which you discovered in your extremity, whenever you remember and return to the steps that put you there the first time.
You are a careful, hard worker who knows you’ll achieve your goals if you give it everything you’ve got, as long as nothing gets in the way. The problem is, things often get in the way. Life sometimes seems unfair, unpredictable, or unfortunate.
You’re resourceful and manage to get through each challenge eventually, but sometimes you do long for a lucky break. Although you live life guarded, your healthy skepticism often keeps you safe. Like a sentinel, you’re always on the lookout for pitfalls and do a good job avoiding them. But sometimes you’re concerned about being stuck where you are.
You’d like things to improve in several areas of your life, but so far, your efforts haven’t caused any real giant leaps forward, and you may be unsure whether your thinking has any real effect on your results. Because things don’t always work out the way you intended, it can be easy to feel as though you don’t have a lot of control over your results, no matter how hard you try.
Sometimes life seems to be in the hands of fate, because no matter what you do, the same kinds of results keep happening. You believe positive thinking may help you live a better life, but haven’t seen a whole lot of evidence that doing so has a real effect on your results. Sometimes your reason for thinking positive is to simply avoid regrets, more than it is to cause a change.
As an intellectual, you strive to look ahead and mitigate risk, and you value fairness. Your talent for recognizing potential problems can be a blessing and a curse. Even when you intentionally choose an outcome different from the default future, it can sometimes be hard to focus more on the happy potential than on the possible failure. After all, you’ve been burned before.
You’re more likely to be motivated by avoiding problems and hardships than by seeking experiences you’ll enjoy. When facing a crisis, you always feel better when you can talk about the problem from every angle, to uncover the reason it happened and to help you avoid similar issues in the future. You’re open to other people’s opinions as long as they’re cautious or prudent like you, but wouldn’t it be nice if there weren’t always so many problems to talk about?
Other Common Attributes:
- When it comes to your goals or desires, you see yourself as someone who will accomplish them as long as you can find a safe path.
- Accomplishing your vision and goals would be easier if there weren’t so many risks.
- You quickly identify the dangers of new ideas, and readily warn others who can’t see them as easily.
- You are steadfast in holding your position when the potential for negative outcomes arise, and you wish others around you weren’t so eager and careless to proceed despite them.
- You may be easily triggered by stressful situations, and go out of your way to mitigate them.
- You are cautious about changes that require you to step into the unknown.
- You may spend more time organizing the life you’ve already built than planning for the achievement of new goals or desires.
- You might describe yourself as free from past emotional trauma, but others who know you may disagree.
Possible Blind Spots – Be wary not to brag that you scored in the 5th Realm, because of all the mindset types on the grid, an honest person with this depth of character will be the least likely to make his or her status known. Because you’ve already discovered so many secrets to rewarding relationships, your pride can sometimes get in the way of learning how to live even better. You may be inclined to disengage instead of solve a problem, and you may be inclined to retreat from an opportunity if it doesn’t perfectly fit into your existing comfort zone.
One who grows beyond the 5th Realm/Sentry stage of development will attest to the following:
“Once you choose hope, anything is possible.” – Christopher Reeves
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Points (H) 5.00, (L) 3.00-3.99 – Refined, pure-hearted, bright, inspiring
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Overview – A place of true serenity where one’s greatest purpose and joy is fully aligned with Source or God’s work and glory. Serving, creative, uplifting, others-centered, but may depend too much on his/her own strength to achieve objectives.
Strengths – Selfless, compassionate, serene, clear, pure-hearted, steady, compassionate, confident, creative, perceptive, clever, resourceful, sharp.
Drawn to – comfort and strengthen others, love, vision, change, progress, being happy, a focus on persistence or hope.
Combination Analysis – The 5th Realm or outer level of the matrix is where remaining burdens, concerns, entanglements and ulterior motives melt away. It’s where we begin to experience the ultimate way of being, feeling whole, complete, unhindered and serene.
It is in this space where we fully realize that all fears and perceived threats were merely shadows of the truth, and where we work privately with our Creator to purify and cleanse any remaining blots, barbs, or stains from our minds and hearts.
You likely came to the 5th Realm state and discovered its unexpected rewards through at least one excruciating, life-altering experience, where your desires were sacrificed for the good of another. This may have been imposed on you, or accepted by choice, but it was your response to the experience that lifted you to this state.
Having chosen an unconventional response and expecting to suffer for it, you may have been surprised to experience the mystery promised that he who loses his life for God’s sake shall find it. Who knew you could experience such an exquisite moment of perfection and depth of serenity in coming to peace with something so dreadful? Having experienced this ascension once, you now seek and find uncommon joy in conquering hard things.
Yet, although it may appear to others that you have, in some ways, accepted a life of suffering and sacrifice, you are not a victim. The selflessness gained through those series of decisions came from a position of strength, and choice. Your forbearance was not imposed on you, it was consciously adopted, and willingly accepted, even embraced.
It is in this outer realm where all remaining ego, prejudices, hidden vices, fears, and grudges are dealt with and purged forever. It is a place of true serenity where one’s greatest purpose and joy aligns with Source or God’s work and glory, free from any other motive. It is to be one with God – the ultimate endeavor – and few there be that find it.
While nobody knows better than you that you are not a perfect person, these moments of perfection and sacrifice have elevated you, rather than diminishing you. Your unassuming way of being is a strength that emanates power and influence which cannot be measured, and which can be employed in no other way. This is why what you have achieved is so rare. Even though your life will continue to have its ups and downs, its failures and successes, you will always be able to return to that place of serenity which you discovered in your extremity, whenever you remember and return to the steps that put you there the first time.
You are a joy to be around! You’ve worked hard to fine-tune your thinking because you know how important it is. You’re a high achiever and a cheerleader. Your idealist personality inspires others. You have big dreams, and are rarely idle. When you do allow yourself a break, it’s easy to feel guilty that you’re not doing more. You’re imaginative, enterprising, intuitive, and resourceful, but sometimes you struggle to utilize that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen, especially the ones that are beyond your natural control.
Sometimes you’re not sure why your optimism hasn’t caused things to improve more quickly. You’re good at practicing all the positive thinking tips, but you often feel stuck, having not yet realized the changes that matter most to you. You would like to be more naturally tenacious and faithful. Deep down you want to believe there is unseen help, but sometimes it’s hard to recognize if any help is really happening.
Even when you deal with stress, you can usually manage to get it under control. When dealing with fear or anxiety, you’re able to shift gears back to optimism with some effort. You believe that anything is possible, and your actions show it.
You set lofty goals, and hold expectations for their accomplishment with a fair amount of mental tenacity, even if that determination is not reflected in your actions.
When things get worse instead of better, you believe that you can turn things around with more learning, or more intense positivity. When things go wrong, you can usually find a silver lining in the cloud, and you trust that this thought-habit will pay off in real results, eventually.
Each interaction with others is a potential opportunity to make progress toward your goals, and you strive to make the most out of every situation. Even though optimism is your chosen habit, waiting for the desired results can sometimes feel exhausting.
Staying positive all the time can be difficult, but it doesn’t keep you from striving to live that way. Sometimes, however, you do wonder how long it will take before you’ll finally experience the big results you’ve been longing for.
Other Common Attributes:
- When it comes to your goals or desires, you usually see yourself as someone who will accomplish them, eventually.
- The people in your life do not always hear and understand you, but that doesn’t stop you from pursuing your goals.
- New ideas come often and easily to you but sometimes you struggle to follow-through.
- You are quick to adjust your mindset when the potential for negative outcomes arise, and you wish others around you would do the same.
- Your vision for the world and how to make a difference for others is ever evolving.
- You are not triggered easily by stressful situations, but when you are, you recover quickly.
- You wish you had more freedom to make your life the way you want it to be.
- You may be mostly free from past emotional trauma, and you deal pretty well with that which does get in the way.
Possible Blind Spots – Be wary of anyone who claims they scored 5th Realm Complete, because of all the mindset types on the grid, an honest person with this depth of character will be the least likely to make his or her status known. Because you are an evolved individual, you may be prone to pride, disengaging with others who may be less evolved, and you may default to being too passive in relationships. Optimism can lead some at this stage of development to overextend themselves financially, believing that they’ll find a way to pay it off someday.
You may spend a lot of your time being busy without always being productive, and depend too much on yourself to realize those seemingly impossible goals. What you may not see is how the biggest goals can be achieved with much less effort, as you discover and employ the universal laws and principles that activate unseen help on your behalf. All you need will be orchestrated even without your direct involvement, and learning how to do this will be key in achieving the goals that matter most. New ideas may come often and easily, so make sure you use your strengths to help you overcome the struggle you may have with following-through.
One who grows beyond the 5th Realm/Optimist stage will attest to the following:
“…the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: ‘Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!’” – William Hutchison Murray
“There are no limits to your possibilities! Your successes will multiply and increase in proportion to your mastery of the law.” – Roger McDonald
“People with a high level of personal mastery are able to consistently realize the results that matter most deeply to them-in effect, they approach their life as an artist would approach a work of art. They do that by becoming committed to their own lifelong learning.” – Peter Senge
Want to learn how? Change your score, Change your life!
Points (H) 5.00, (L) 4.00-4.99 – Refined, pure-hearted, wise, empowered
Download the Full Analysis Report here
Overview – A place of true serenity where one’s greatest purpose and joy is fully aligned with Source Energy or God’s work and glory, free from any other motive. One who seeks no recognition, and who knows how to successfully achieve goals using success principles.
Strengths – Selfless, compassionate, serene, clear, pure-hearted, discerning, wise, patient, experienced, calm, knowledgeable, intelligent, sensible.
Drawn to – comfort and strengthen others, principle, subtlety, and adhering to a long term vision for their life’s purpose.
Combination Analysis – The 5th Realm or outer level of the matrix is where remaining burdens, concerns, entanglements and ulterior motives melt away. It’s where we begin to experience the ultimate way of being, feeling whole, complete, unhindered and serene.
This level is attained after enduring well ALL of the necessary experiences, and gaining all of the related skill sets on the path. We do not jump to this space without passing the tests of the previous levels. The fires of all four lower levels from each axis are necessary to be experienced fully before one is refined enough to become 5th Realm Complete.
It is in this space where we fully realize that all fears and perceived threats were merely shadows of the truth, and where we work privately with our Creator to purify and cleanse any remaining blots, barbs, or stains from our minds and hearts.
You likely came to the 5th Realm state and discovered its unexpected rewards through at least one excruciating, life-altering experience, where your desires were sacrificed for the good of another. This may have been imposed on you, or accepted by choice, but it was your response to the experience that lifted you to this state.
Having chosen an unconventional response and expecting to suffer for it, you may have been surprised to experience the mystery promised that he who loses his life for God’s sake shall find it. Who knew you could experience such an exquisite moment of perfection and depth of serenity in coming to peace with something so dreadful? Having experienced this ascension once, you now seek and find uncommon joy in conquering hard things.
Yet, although it may appear to others that you have, in some ways, accepted a life of suffering and sacrifice, you are not a victim. The selflessness gained through those series of decisions came from a position of strength, and choice. Your forbearance was not imposed on you, it was consciously adopted, and willingly accepted, even embraced.
It is in this outer realm where all remaining ego, prejudices, hidden vices, fears, and grudges are dealt with and purged forever. It is to be one with God, Spirit, Source, the Universe, or Nature – the ultimate endeavor – and few there be that find it.
While nobody knows better than you that you are not a perfect person, these moments of perfection and sacrifice have elevated you, rather than diminishing you. Your unassuming way of being is a strength that emanates power and influence which cannot be measured, and which can be employed in no other way. This is why what you have achieved is so rare. Even though your life will continue to have its ups and downs, its failures and successes, you will always be able to return to that place of serenity which you discovered in your extremity, whenever you remember and return to the steps that put you there the first time.
You have experience with intentional goal achievement, and make empowered decisions. You understand there are fewer risks more dangerous than a careless mindset. As mastering one’s mindset can be a lifelong pursuit, your mindset type is among the most conscious of where you fall short.
Not only have you discovered the power of your thoughts, but you’ve learned to employ them intentionally for achieving sometimes seemingly impossible goals. You learn from your mistakes, and forge ahead courageously. You have experience with that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen—and whether you know it or not, you’ve likely participated in miracles.
Even if you can’t see it, and even if the world doesn’t know your name, you are beginning to live a legendary life. If you are not already wealthy, you are headed in a good direction. Going forward, look for evidence that the wealth you enjoy is directly related to the amount you need to accomplish the next step for your life’s mission.
At the 5th Realm/Sage stage of development, you do not measure success in dollars, but in influence and legacy. Your values and principles run like a thread through everything you do. You are a deep thinker, clever, creative, and intelligent. You show great knowledge and sense.
You are beginning to understand the laws of success, learning to rely on them to help you overcome every obstacle. You believe in unseen help and may be aware of experiencing its sometimes inexplicable assistance.
You are generous and pleasant. You hold other people in high regard. You move forward with faith, even if you don’t see how the goal will be achieved. You’re on track to mastering your mindset and will continue to achieve everything you set out to do, as you continue to choose goals that are aligned with your life’s purpose or divine mission.
Other Common Attributes:
- Confident about goal achievement, and selective about what to pursue.
- You are quick to adjust your mindset when the potential for negative outcomes arise.
- Goals are not extensively delayed by unresolved issues from your past.
- Your leadership and influence is not dependent on your having a particular title or position.
- Your vision and goals tend to have a divine, inspired, or uplifting purpose.
- You spend less time analyzing your problems and more time focused on affecting the desired outcome.
Possible Blind Spots – Be wary not to brag that you scored in the 5th Realm, because an honest person with this depth of character will be the least likely to make the status known. Despite how well you performed on the test, there is always room to grow. The minute you think you have achieved the pinnacle, you will begin to decline, so always be about further learning and growth, or turn your focus to teaching and showing others how to enjoy for themselves what you have achieved. Help others achieve it more quickly by allowing them to learn from your experiences and mistakes. Don’t become so refined that you are unwilling to share your errors, show your flaws, and how you overcame them. Because you’ve come this far having grown so much, individuals at this stage of development may struggle with being teachable.
One who grows beyond the 5th Realm/Sage stage of development will attest to the following:
“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” – Jack Kornfield
Change your score, change your life!
Points (H) 5.00, (L) 5.00 – Refined, pure-hearted, tested, proven
Download the Full Analysis Report here
Overview – A place of true serenity where one’s greatest purpose and joy is fully aligned with Source or God’s work and glory, free from any other motive. It is to be one with God – the ultimate endeavor – and few there be that find it.
Strengths – Selfless, transcendent, compassionate, serene, free, refined, clear, pure-hearted, tested, proven, discerning.
Drawn to – comfort and strengthen the poor in spirit, the hungry, they that mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for truth, those who weep, those who are merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are oppressed or abused.
Combination Analysis – The 5th Realm or outer level of the matrix is where remaining personal burdens, concerns, entanglements and ulterior motives melt away. It’s where we live the ultimate way of being, whole, complete, unhindered and serene.
This level is attained after enduring well ALL of the necessary experiences, and gaining all of the related skill sets on the path. We do not jump to this space without passing the tests of the previous levels. The fires of all four lower levels from each axis are necessary to be experienced fully before one is refined enough to become 5th Realm Complete.
It is in this space where we fully realize that all fears and perceived threats were merely shadows of the truth, and where we work privately with our Creator to purify and cleanse any remaining blots, barbs, or stains from our minds and hearts.
You likely came to the 5th Realm state and discovered its unexpected rewards through at least one excruciating, life-altering experience, where your desires were sacrificed for the good of another. This may have been imposed on you, or accepted by choice, but it was your response to the experience that lifted you to this state.
Having chosen an unconventional response and expecting to suffer for it, you may have been surprised to experience the mystery promised that he who loses his life for God’s sake shall find it. Who knew you could experience such an exquisite moment of perfection and depth of serenity in coming to peace with something so dreadful? Having experienced this ascension once, you now seek and find uncommon joy in conquering hard things.
Yet, although it may appear to others that you have, in some ways, accepted a life of suffering and sacrifice, you are not a victim. The selflessness gained through those series of decisions came from a position of strength, and choice. Your forbearance was not imposed on you, it was consciously adopted, and willingly accepted, even embraced.
It is in this outer realm where all remaining ego, prejudices, hidden vices, fears, and grudges are dealt with and purged forever.
While nobody knows better than you that you are not a perfect person, these moments of perfection and sacrifice have elevated you, rather than diminishing you. Your unassuming way of being is a strength that emanates power and influence which cannot be measured, and which can be employed in no other way. This is why what you have achieved is so rare. Even though your life will continue to have its ups and downs, its failures and successes, you will always be able to return to that place of serenity which you discovered in your extremity, whenever you remember and return to the steps that put you there the first time.
You have moved beyond intentional goal achievement to a place of being at one with the Highest purposes, and only employing those skills when your life’s purpose or divine mission assignment calls for it. The skill is not used for self-gratification beyond meeting your own needs, but it is readily utilized for serving others in their needs. You’re still conscious of where you fall short in the consistent application of true principles, but have learned how to rely on a power bigger than yourself to fill in the gaps and make up for your shortcomings.
No goal is too big, no cause too impossible to keep you from doing what you were put here to do. You learn from your mistakes more quickly than in the past, and forge ahead with both patience, temperance, and courage. You know that you’ve participated in miracles.
At this stage of development, you no longer measure success in influence and legacy, but in the real impact and improvement enjoyed by those you serve. You’re now more interested in their influence, and in their legacy. You experience a oneness with God, Spirit, Source, the Universe, or Nature, which guides your thoughts and actions to align with its will or the most Elevated Purpose in all things.
As for yourself, you are less focused now on what you can gain on the path; you’ve shifted to a place where you are more interested in what you can release both materially and emotionally, and in the experiences through which you pass for how they change you. Needs are few for a person in this realm, but all needs are naturally met with ease for those who live here.
You are a compassionate and patient wellspring of healing for others who are inspired and changed by your confidence in true principles. You are generous yet wise in your interactions with others, long-suffering in outcomes, and trust that ultimate good can be realized out of any circumstance. You participate in causes but are inclined to avoid recognition. You know your place in the grand scheme of things. You have become so others-focused that even the thrill of making a difference is no longer needed nor expected. The good news is that in living life unfettered in this way: clear in spirit and pure in heart, you will always have access to the rare rewards of true joy and serenity. You dwell in calmness beneath the tempests, and soar above the storms in stillness.
You consistently rely on the laws, unseen help, and divine power to help you overcome every obstacle. You are more consciously aware now when you experience its assistance, and despite the natural ups and downs that continue to give life meaning, your existence in general feels more purposeful, fulfilling, and joyful than ever.
Be wary of anyone who claims they scored 5th Realm Complete, because of all the mindset types on the grid, an honest person with this depth of character will be the least likely to make his or her status known.
One who has achieved the 5th Realm Complete stage of development will attest to the following:
“One who conquers himself is greater than another who conquers a thousand times a thousand on the battlefield.” – Gautama Buddha
“One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.” – Leonardo da Vinci
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