Understanding Your Score

Your score is a point on the map of your personal development journey. 

It shows how far you’ve come, and provides clues about where your path has the potential to lead you next. Your score can improve with learning and practice. Change your score, change your life!

“What’s my score?” – Check your email. Your score is delivered to your inbox, after you take the test here.


(H) Humanity – a measurement of your motivation and ideals in relationships.

  • 0.00-1.99 – The DEFENDER (D) – protector, fighter
  • 2.00-2.99 – The ACHIEVER (A) – performer, producer
  • 3.00-3.99 – The EXEMPLAR (E) – philanthropist, supporter
  • 4.00-4.99 – The VESSEL (V) – influential, unassuming, purposed
  • 5.00 – 5th Realm (5R) – refined, pure-hearted

(L) Law – an evaluation of your understanding and application of universal laws and principles of success.

  • 0.00-1.99 – The REALIST (R) – intelligent, grounded
  • 2.00-2.99 – The SENTRY (N) – watchful, prudent
  • 3.00-3.99 – The OPTIMIST (O) – bright, inspiring
  • 4.00-4.99 – The SAGE (S) – wise, empowered
  • 5.00 – 5th Realm (5R) – tested, proven

The Basic 8 Mindset Types:

From your Humanity score (H):

Humanity Points H(0.00-1.99)

Loyal and Intuitive – The Defender in you has a sixth-sense about others’ intentions, and you may be sensitive, sometimes to a fault. Your keen observation skills sometimes get in the way of seeing what’s possible, and you may resist change, especially when it is imposed by someone else. The struggle with fear may be running in the background – a fear of loss, fear of falling short, or fear of change. You value stability and predictability in relationships.

When threatened, you are quick to react, either by going quiet to de-escalate a conflict, or by fighting to end the conflict as soon as possible. In either case, you need things to be resolved quickly. There is no in-between for the Defender. It’s your deep need for things to be the way they should be that keeps you from responding only half-way.

The retreater version of the Defender may be accused of being too sensitive, or for playing the role of a martyr. The fighter version of the Defender may be criticized for being brash, blunt, or too demanding. In either case, it is the potential threat to your identity and safety in your relationships that may cause you to retreat, deflect, deny, or blame an accuser. Both responses show a deep need to protect who you are and what’s yours, because you’ve worked too hard to survive this far.

Because you often find yourself living in survival mode, your default objective may be to preserve the status quo, even if it’s undesirable.

Where do you go from here?

Leverage your natural sixth-sense to create more happiness and security for your family. For more information, get the FREE Foundations Course here.

Other Recommended Resources:

Humanity Points – H(2.00-2.99)

Responsible Producer – A success-minded high performer. When given a task, you do it well, or knock it out in record time. Life is good as long as you’re checking things off your list, but you can sometimes experience a void that is only filled by setting another goal or checking off another task.

You aim high and have a perfectionist’s eye for excellence. When something needs to be done, you can do it without supervision, and take pride in a job well done. Some people may view you as a “mover and a shaker”. However, this mindset type can also be prone to impatience, stress, and imbalance, sometimes having a negative impact on long-term relationships and work results.

Your self-esteem is boosted by the feeling of growth, progress, and expansion, and it can be hard to understand why others don’t want to move and grow at the same pace. Your drive has brought you to the accomplishment of some great achievements, so it can be puzzling when those closest to you don’t always appreciate your dedication and focus.

Where do you go from here? – Learn how you can use the laws of success to achieve more with less stress, and experience more appreciation from others. For more information, get the FREE Foundations Course here.

Other Recommended Resources:

Humanity Points H(3.00-3.99)

Philanthropist, Supporter – You have a heart of gold. Life’s experiences have brought you to a place where you love feeling the joy of helping others overcome their challenges and find relief from their burdens. You enjoy the high that comes from giving of yourself for the benefit of others. Even if you don’t think so, the world is a better place because you are here. You hope to make a meaningful contribution that helps your fellow human beings.

Where do you go from here? – Learn how you can use the laws of success to expand your impact and always have the resources you need to care for yourself and others. For more information, get the FREE Foundations Course here.

Other Recommended Resources:

Humanity Points H(4.00-4.99)

Influential, Honorable, and Unassuming – Influential, Honorable, and Unassuming – You’re experienced in learning how to be unaffected by the unstable moods and opinions of others. You’ve accessed the power that comes through loss of self, of keeping your ego in check, and are evolving beyond the need to be seen.

While the Exemplar serves for the joy of making a difference, the Vessel serves mainly to fill a need. You find uncommon joy in doing hard things, and even if you are well known and respected, you are equally content to be of no public consequence. As you put others first in wisdom without compromising your own personal autonomy, you access a level of fulfilment and satisfaction that many will never find.

Where do you go from here? – We’re looking for people like you to help us facilitate training for students around the world. For more information, please contact us and request more information about our Facilitator program, or get the FREE Foundations Course here.

Other Recommended Resources:

Humanity Points H(5.00)

Refined, Pure-Hearted – The 5th Realm is a place of true serenity where one’s greatest purpose and joy aligns with Source or God’s own work and glory, free from any other motive.

This outer level of the matrix is where all remaining burdens, concerns, entanglements and ulterior motives begin to melt away. It’s where we begin to experience the ultimate way of being: feeling whole, complete, unhindered and serene.

The 5th Realm is attained after enduring well ALL of the necessary experiences, and gaining all of the related skill sets on the path. We do not jump to this space without first passing the tests of the previous levels. The fires of all four lower levels from each axis are necessary to be experienced fully before one is refined enough to be 5th Realm Complete.

It is in this space where we fully realize that all fears and perceived threats were merely shadows of the truth, and where we work privately with our Creator to purify and cleanse any remaining blots, barbs, or stains from our minds and hearts.

Where do you go from here? Let’s confirm your score with a more thorough analysis, derived from 30 additional questions. Did you enjoy the Basic test? Enjoy a more complete description of the 5th Realm, including the distinction between 5th Realm Humanity and 5th Realm Law scores when you take the Extended Mindset Quotient Test.

Get a more detailed report with the EXTENDED MQ Test and FULL Analysis here 

Other Recommended Resources:

From your Law score (L):

Law Points L(0.00-1.99)

Intelligent and Grounded – You feel deeply and wish for a better life, but often circumstances beyond your control keep you from enjoying the results you want. You’ve tried to make changes, but nothing seems to work, at least permanently. It’s hard to believe sometimes that things will ever change.

You often struggle to get ahead, but as long as you’re working the checklist, you feel like you must be making progress. You’re weary from repeated disappointments and skeptical of anyone who tells you things can be easier. You’re open to learning more, if there’s truly something new to learn, but it has to make logical sense before you’ll do anything about it.

Where do you go from here? – Discover how your skill for discerning truth from error can give you an advantage in achieving goals. Learn the laws that govern success and discover how better results can become more predictable as you begin to test them out for yourself. For more information, get the FREE Foundations Course here.

Other Recommended Resources:

Law Points L(2.00-2.99)

Watchful and Prudent – You are a careful, hard worker who knows you’ll achieve your goals if you give it everything you’ve got, as long as nothing gets in the way. The problem is, things often get in the way. You’re resourceful and manage to get through each challenge eventually, but sometimes you do long for a lucky break. Although you live life guarded, your healthy skepticism often keeps you safe.

You strive to look ahead and mitigate risk. Your talent for recognizing potential problems can be a blessing and a curse. Even when you aim for an outcome different from the default future, it can sometimes be hard to focus more on the happy potential than on the possible failure. After all, you’ve been burned before.

When facing a crisis, you always feel better when you can talk about the problem from every angle, to uncover the reason it happened and to help you avoid similar issues in the future. You’re open to other people’s opinions as long as they’re cautious or prudent like you, but wouldn’t it be nice if there weren’t always so many problems to talk about?

Where do you go from here? – Learn how to use your unique skill of foresight to create real, measurable improvements in your life. For more information, get the FREE Foundations Course here.

Other Recommended Resources:

Law Points L(3.00-3.99)

Bright and Promising – Your idealist personality inspires others. You have big dreams, and are rarely idle. When you do allow yourself a break, it can be easy to feel guilty that you’re not doing more. You’re imaginative, enterprising, intuitive, and resourceful, but sometimes you struggle to utilize that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen, especially the ones that are beyond your natural control.

You’re good at practicing all the positive thinking tips, but you may feel stuck, having not yet realized the changes that matter most to you. You set lofty goals, and hold expectations for their accomplishment with a fair amount of mental tenacity, even if that determination is not always reflected in your actions.

Staying positive all the time can be difficult, but it doesn’t keep you from striving to live that way. Sometimes, however, you do wonder how long it will take before you’ll finally experience the big results you’ve been longing for.

Where do you go from here? – Learn how to use your optimism to finally experience real, measurable results. For more information, get the FREE Foundations Course here.

Other Recommended Resources:

Law Points L(4.00-4.99)

Wise and Empowered – A Sage is experienced with intentional goal achievement and understands there are fewer risks more dangerous than a careless mindset. As mastering one’s mindset can be a lifelong pursuit, your mindset type is among the most conscious of where you fall short. You learn from your mistakes. You do not measure success in dollars, but in influence and legacy. Your values and principles run like a thread through everything you do. You are a deep thinker, clever, creative, and intelligent.

You move forward with faith, even if you don’t see how a goal will be achieved. You’re on track to achieve everything you set out to do, as you continue to choose goals that are aligned with your life’s purpose or divine mission.

Where do you go from here? – We’re looking for people like you to help us facilitate training for students around the world. For more information, please contact us and request more information about our Facilitator program or get the FREE Foundations Course here.

Other Recommended Resources:

Law Points L(5.00)

Tested, Proven – Needs are few for a person in the 5th Realm, but all needs are naturally met with ease for those who live here.

This outer level of the matrix is where remaining burdens, concerns, entanglements and ulterior motives melt away. It’s where we begin to experience the ultimate way of being: feeling whole, complete, unhindered and serene.

The 5th Realm is attained after enduring well ALL of the necessary experiences, and gaining all of the related skill sets on the path. We do not jump to this space without passing the tests of the previous levels. The fires of all four lower levels from each axis are necessary to be experienced fully before one is refined enough to become 5th Realm Complete.

It is in this space where you fully realize that all fears and perceived threats were merely shadows of the truth, and where you work privately with your Creator to purify and cleanse any remaining blots, barbs, or stains from your mind and heart.

Where do you go from here? Did you enjoy the Basic test? Enjoy a more complete description of the 5th Realm, including the distinction between 5th Realm Humanity and 5th Realm Law scores when you take the Extended Mindset Quotient Test.

Get a more detailed report with the EXTENDED MQ Test and FULL Analysis here 

Other Recommended Resources:

Get a FREE consultation, or take the EXTENDED Test to receive a FULL Analysis

Free Consultation:

Your score and mindset type analysis is based on common experiences among those with similar mindset types. It is intended to start a conversation that can help you discover possible gaps that, once identified, can help you experience better goal achievement outcomes and greater life fulfillment. 

The good news is that only a small shift in perspective can sometimes yield very big improvements. So, let’s discover what’s really holding you back and we’ll show you powerful strategies for achieving the success you really want. We’ve been helping thousands of people get better results since 2002, will you be our next success story? 

Click here for a FREE Consultation 


The Extended Test:

  • a full analysis of your mindset type COMBINATION
  • a more dependable, accurate score (using 30 additional questions)
  • an expanded exploration of your strengths, blind spots, and what drives you
  • a complete, detailed evaluation of common gaps based on your score
  • case studies to explore various ways that different mindset types can experience real life scenarios
  • a more reliable recommendation of what you can do to improve your score, based on your mindset type combination

The Mindset Quotient test is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional diagnosis or treatment of any psychological condition. This site is not intended for users under age 18. By using our services, you indicate that you understand and accept these terms.

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